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embankment on the south side of the river.
Directly to my left towered the massive and noisy edifice of the Jikhorkdun of the Thoth. Not as large as
the Great Jikhorkdun to the north, the Thoth Jikhorkdun is nonetheless a massive affair, the amphitheater
capacious and endowed with kaidur barracks and beast pens and coy cages. The noise wallowed into
the night sky: fierce yells, and the drumming din of thousands enjoying a nighttime spectacle by the lights
of thousands of torches and lamps.
Up the incline into the Shining Quarter, under the trees and along the graveled paths, where the villas lay
secluded with watchful werstings prowling, and then at last to Casmas villa. I was barely in time. When
last I had been here I had been rescuing Rosala, fighting off werstings and guards and enduring the
passionate urgings of Rosala s maid, Paline.
Casmas was about to step into his preysany litter. The cloth was solidly picked out in gold embroideries,
the hangings of silver, the embossed and carved ornaments of bronze. The two preysanys stood patiently,
for they are a superior kind of calsany, much used for this work. Casmas guards mustered with links,
ready to light and guard him on his way.
I shouted and ran up and a guard offered to stop me, so I took his stux away, gently, and poked my
head between the curtains. Casmas looked up with his fat chins rolling.
 Amak Hamun! By Havil, we all thought you gone to the Ice Hoes of Sicce!
 Lahal, Casmas. I am like to, in truth.
 Lahal, Amak  and I know! I have heard! I must hurry. The bets will already be being laid.
 Then, said I, jumping into the litter,  I will ride with you, Casmas. For there is much I must talk about.
 You have made your will, of course?
The preysanys started as the chief guard yelled, and the whole cavalcade started off to retrace the
journey I had just made. There was reason for Casmas thus living at a distance from the sacred quarter,
for many a dandy had felt it too much of an infernal nuisance to walk that distance, to plead for an
extension of credit, having already sold his zorca or sleeth and not having the wherewithal to hire a
preysany litter or ride the amith-drawn trolleys.
 I hadn t given it a thought, I said. This Casmas in his unctuous and lubricious way owned very many of
the young bloods, body and soul. Most of them went in fear of their fathers, the men with the titles and
the money. Casmas was not called the Deldy for nothing. He would make a fat killing out of this
encounter.  I have a scheme, Casmas, and you must play a part.
He listened to me with his fat eyelids crinkled and half shut. His pulse was on the money markets. I told
him I had been having lessons with the rapier and fancied my chance against Vad Garnath and wished to
bet heavily on myself.
 If this is your wish, Amak. The litter jounced over the cobbles, the link lights flaring beyond the
curtains. The gold gleamed dully bright.  But how do you know Vad Garnath will fight?
 As to Leotes  I did not finish the sentence. I let Casmas believe I staked all on beating Garnath. In
the end I convinced him to take many bets on my behalf.
 It will cost you a great deal of money, Amak Hamun. Can you honor your debts?
 Yes. Paline Valley is not without resources.
He grunted. We talked amiably then, and he told me he was engaged to marry a widow, whose husband
had been slain while serving with the air squadrons fighting in Nivendrin, one of that tangled skein of
kingdoms and Kovnates between the Shrouded Sea and the mighty River Os, often called He of the
Commendable Countenance.  She is comfortable and fat and jolly, poor soul, and a Ranga. Her
husband, the late Rango, was not a wealthy man. Here Casmas spread his plump white hands with their
freight of golden rings.  But, what would you? She has the title, I have the money. Very soon, I think, my
dear Amak, the queen, whose name be revered, will see fit to issue my patent.
 You are to be congratulated, Casmas, I said. Well, at the least, a fat jolly widow was far more of a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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