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Excellent. However Titch was so consumed with kissing the woman in his arms
that he did not pay attention to the direction he was headed in and walked them into
the partition. It landed with a loud bang.
Everything okay? Rowdy called out. She stopped dead in her tracks when she
saw them. Oh, I think I ll go out for coffee. She left quickly.
Smart woman. As much as Titch wanted to go slowly he knew once again it
would be impossible. He had never lost control of himself before and yet with Tilly he
knew he was close to losing it completely and he liked the feeling of being
overwhelmed. It made him feel like a real man again.
How embarrassing.
Titch smiled at the sudden blush that came to her face. She was beautiful.
Cariad, never be embarrassed with me. He carried her over to the hood of her car,
laying her down gently. His hands moved down to her jeans and he started to unfasten
them quickly. His cock ached to plunge into the tight wetness he knew awaited him.
What if Rowdy&
She won t. He pulled her jeans down to her knees and swore when he
remembered she still had her boots on. He thanked Argon at that moment for making
him a spellbinder. Although technically he was not supposed to use his powers for self
gain, Titch had a feeling that Argon would overlook it this once. With a wave of his
hand the boots disappeared.
I d better get my boots back.
Tantalizing Tilly
He laughed as he pulled her jeans off in two quick tugs and tossed them over his
You are lovely. Titch stood and admired the half-naked woman before him.
White, plump thighs and hips that a man could hold onto as he lost himself within his
woman. The glistening red curls at her pussy made his cock twitch with excitement
knowing she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Cariad, may I?
Titch asking her in such a sweet way, it made her shiver in anticipation. He wanted
her and yet he was still leaving the final decision up to her. That meant a lot to Tilly.
She knew she had the power to stop this. She also knew that was damn near impossible
given the way she felt at that moment.
Please, Taliesin. Tilly parted her legs and held out her arms toward him. I need
to feel you inside me once more. The relief on his face was almost comical. Tilly
What? he asked as he moved in closer between her legs.
What if I said no? Not that she would have as she was on fire for the taste of him.
I would have had to take matters into my own hands so to speak. Titch unzipped
his fly and his penis jumped out eagerly, looking for action.
Tilly licked her lips hungrily. All that was hers. Yippee.
I would hate you to waste that. Come closer. The heat of his body seeped into
You want me? Titch asked as he fisted his cock and ran it leisurely up and down
the wet cleft between her legs.
Oh yes. That felt so good.
What would you do to have me, cariad?
Tilly almost said anything but she stopped herself. She did not want to be the
only one losing control here.
You want to play games? Games were good.
Titch leaned in and licked the skin of her throat as he continued stroking her with
his cock.
Don t you?
No. The word was as choked to say as it was to hear. How could she concentrate
when he was doing that?
Liar. His eyes locked with hers. Games turn you on.
Although she was impressed by the magic and the sex, he did not know everything
about her after a couple of hours and it annoyed her that he thought he did. Added to
that, the man had taken her favorite boots and was now toying with her, using a loaded
cock instead of giving her what she craved. Was this about sex or point scoring? Tilly
struggled to sit up.
Amarinda Jones
You don t know me.
Titch let her push him away.
I do know you.
Men. You re all the same. Tilly pushed her hands against his chest. She was
tempted to fan her hands out and explore but that would indicate interest. Yes, she
wanted Titch, but on her terms.
He laughed at her words.
What do you know of men, cariad? Titch s voice was gentle with amusement.
They both knew Tilly s experience was extremely limited.
Enough. She slid off the hood of the car and looked at the cock before her. As
much as she wanted that inside her Tilly did not need the master of the universe act
going on.
Where you going?
Wherever I want. Tilly smacked lightly at him to let her pass. Titch s penis was
pressing against her bare stomach, making it almost impossible to think of anything
You don t want to leave me like this. Titch reached out to pull her in tightly
against him.
Oh, but I do. You re an arrogant prick. Tilly fought his hands as she fought her
own needs.
Yes, but I turn you on, cariad. Titch managed to secure his hands to her waist.
Yes, but then so does chocolate, Taliesin. Both were filling and stimulating. Before
she had time to react, he had spun her around and pressed her against the hood of the
car with his body tight against hers.
You need me. Titch bent her forward as his knee nudged her legs apart.
I do not. Oh, but she did. This was incredibly exciting and any possible thoughts
she had of fighting him off were rapidly diminishing.
Titch waved a condom over his straining shaft and prodded it against her butt.
Yeah you do. His hands moved round to her pussy.
When his fingers touched her clit she gasped. It was not the reaction of a horrified
woman. It was a gasp of give-me-more.
What are you doing? Tilly ground her ass back against him. To do anything else
would have been wasteful.
Making love to you, he murmured as his fingers slid into her slippery vagina.
Oh my& That felt awfully good. It s not love. It was lust and praise be to
whatever deity was shining down on her at that moment for bringing him into her life.
Of course it s love, cariad. You just haven t allowed yourself to believe it yet. His
fingers moved slowly in and out of her body.
Tilly bore down on his hand, wanting more.
Tantalizing Tilly
Is this your approach to all women? If so she would have to lock him up as no
one else could be allowed this pleasure from Titch.
There is no other woman for me but you.
Excellent answer.
Tilly twisted her head to look at him. She was sure the hunger she could see in his
eyes mirrored her own.
Are you going to fuck me or what?
Titch kissed her lips greedily.
Do you want me to, cariad?
Don t play with me, spellbinder. Tilly knew something more than just lust was
going on here but what it was she could not or would not name.
I thought you liked to play. His lips nuzzled at her neck.
I do but I need more. More than she ever believed she could possibly want.
What? His eyes were locked on hers as if he needed answers.
If you do not shove your big, fat cock inside me right now I will scream. Tilly was
so taut with need that only sex or screaming would relieve her. Titch smiled the most
beautiful smile she had ever seen and she felt her heart skip a beat. Oh no, I can t possibly
be& am I? Am I falling for the spellbinder?
We can t have you screaming in frustration. Titch quickly removed his fingers
and replaced them with his plunging cock. He held her hips tightly against him.
Tilly yelped in pleasure. This was exactly what she needed.
Do you like that, cariad? he asked as he rammed in and out of her, ensuring they
were both satisfied.
Do you? she panted as she tried to keep up with the rhythm of his stroke.
Titch threw back his head and laughed.
See how good we are together? Titch adored this woman and he knew in his
heart that she was his for life. She was exactly the woman he needed. Maybe Fate had
some crazy plan killing him off in his old life just so he could eventually meet up with
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