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He held the paper just out of her grasp. "Serenity, you
dinna have to do everything today."
"I know."
"Then why did you make this list?"
"I always make them. My father had strokes, you see, and
was very forgetful. In order to show him what I had
accomplished, I made lists and marked them off. It saved us
Sweet Serenity
by Catherine Stang
from many an argument. Although, towards the end, it didn't
make any difference."
She turned away from Collin, but not before he saw the
sheen of tears in her eyes. He'd had a belly full of pity after
Katrina died and wouldn't inflict that on her.
"How old were you when you began helping your father?"
"Fifteen well, actually thirteen the first time."
"Th-thirteen," Collin sputtered. A dawn of understanding
came with her statement. "That is only a year older than
Alisha. How much did you do?" This was no pampered
"Everything I tabulated the books, wrote out letters and
kept track of the household accounts." She shrugged.
"That must have been hard." This delicate city flower
wasn't really as delicate as he had at first thought. She had a
certain quiet strength he was beginning to admire.
"Not really. I like numbers. The worst part was watching
Father struggle to relearn simple tasks like walking and
talking. It was dreadful. He hated the nurses I hired."
Collin put a hand on her shoulder. "How did you cope?"
"One day at a time. Dr. Holmes helped me set up a routine
for him. Then I found a young apprentice of Dr. Holmes
named Kenneth, who took care of Father. Together we kept
the world from knowing how bad off he was."
"Didna his business partners question his abilities?"
Serenity bit her lip, shaking her head. "He had a reputation
for being eccentric. Kenneth took credit for most of his
business dealings."
"What happened to Kenneth?"
Sweet Serenity
by Catherine Stang
Serenity smiled. "He went on to become a doctor. He
works with other brain-injured patients and their families. I
miss him. We got to be good friends. Last year, he married
this sweet girl named Lydia."
"Then you were left to handle things by yourself?"
"Not entirely. Kenneth still came by once a day. Our
housekeeper, Clara, and butler, Charles, gave me quite a bit
of support. Father got worse the last year and became
completely bedridden. Once that happened, I totally ran
things until he died four months ago."
"What changed after your father's death?" His eyes
searched hers as many questions still plagued him. Had
creditors chased her out of her house? Was that why she fled
with only the clothes on her back? "Were you left in debt?"
Serenity frowned. "You mustn't think I'm a very good
business manager if you can ask me that. No, he left the
textile mills and all his holdings to another relative."
"Why?" he asked hesitantly. He wished she would open up
more, but he knew this had to be a sore subject for her.
"I've asked myself that same question countless times
since his death. I don't know. Maybe he didn't trust me to run
it all alone."
"Or maybe he didna want to burden you. As a father of
daughters, I can honestly say I wouldna leave the
responsibility of the farm to them. Not that they couldna
handle it, but I couldna go to my eternal rest worryin' about
them having the burden."
"I never thought of that. Thank you."
Sweet Serenity
by Catherine Stang
After a tense silence, Serenity began packing up the
leftover food. Collin collected the plates. Then she stood,
folding the blanket. Collin's fingers brushed hers as he
attempted to help. He jumped as though burnt by the
contact. How could such a simple touch excite his senses? He
longed for the chance to hold her slender body close to his.
To see her unbound hair spread out across his pillow, or
better yet, brushing over his bare chest.
Her wary eyes brought him back to reality. How could he
make her his wife when he couldn't protect her from whatever
she feared? "Serenity?"
"You dinna have to impress me."
He cupped her cheek in his palm, savoring her soft skin.
She closed her eyes and shivered slightly. That spontaneous
reaction sent a wave of desire coursing through him. How
could he resist taking her?
"My comments about sending you away had nothing to do
with your worthiness to be here. I just want what is best for
my lassies and you. Life in the West is hard. There are more
comforts in New York. More chances for my lassies to make
good matches when the time comes."
He wanted to kiss her pouty lips and taste their sweetness
again. Instead, he only allowed himself a quick brush of his
lips across hers before stepping back. Sweet Saint Margaret,
he wanted more so much more. Her eyes mirrored his own
"I understand what you're saying, but desire can't dictate
what is in the heart. This place is in your daughters' blood.
Sweet Serenity
by Catherine Stang
Taking them away from it wouldn't change that. You'll just
end up hurting them. Don't make the same mistake my father
With a heavy heart, Collin watched her walk away. He
understood the conflicting emotions Mr. Springfield must have
felt when he made out his will. Putting someone else's best
interest first is never easy. No matter how much he desired
Serenity, he had to keep those emotions in check. Before the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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