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just tumbled out of his mouth without him even realizing it, that’s all. They were
simply words uttered in a moment of—
Her eyes widened when he shook her and she focused on his face. The look she saw
there was one of concern, not deep, abiding, I-want-to-spend-every-waking-moment-of-
my-life-with-you love.
“I asked where I should dispose of the pieces of wood. Is it the table, little one? Is
that why you seem overcome? Are you distressed because we broke it?”
His question snapped her back to reality and she laughed. “Oh…yeah, that must be
it. Sorry. I guess I was more attached to the old chunk of pine than I thought.”
Samantha and Her Genie
“I will build another table for you. I will make certain it is sturdy and well-built.”
Samantha clasped his biceps and smiled as she gave them a squeeze. “Like you, you
He drew her into a quick hug and kissed the tip of her nose. “Yes, like me.” He
studied her face. “I fear for your wellbeing, little one. You are overtired and still in
shock from the episode of my coming out of the bottle, I think. Tonight you must have
plenty of undisturbed rest. Be assured that I will hold you in my arms as you sleep,
without demanding that my cock be appeased.”
His sweet offer elicited a chuckle from her. “Don’t you want to jump my bones?”
she asked with a coy smile, finger-walking across the substantial width of his shoulders.
“If this means to fuck you, then, yes. I wish to fuck you every time I look at you. But
I am a man of honor and propriety, Samantha. Such a man does not force himself upon
the woman he loves when she is clearly in dire need of a full night’s sleep.”
Samantha sucked in an audible gasp and flailed a finger at him. “There! You said it
again. I heard you.” She choked on a joyful scream, swallowing it as she did her best to
avoid imitating a jumping bean.
He gaped at her as if she’d sprouted goat horns.
“Heard me say what?”
“That you love me.” He still had that strange look on his face, which had her
doubting whether she’d heard him correctly. “That’s what you said, isn’t it?”
“Yes. So?” Lugal shrugged, looking all hunky and handsome and blasé as hell. “It
pleases you, does it not?”
She was careful not to take too deep a breath for fear her heart might come leaping
from her chest right out her mouth and bounce off his perfectly sculpted pecs. “Before I
answer you, let me make sure we’re on the absolute same wavelength here, okay?”
He narrowed one eye. “You speak gibberish I do not understand.”
“I want to make sure,” she began slowly, “that when you say you love me, you’re
talking about the forever man-woman kind of love that makes people want to get
married. That kind of love. Is that what you mean? Or do you mean you love me like a
Lugal’s lip curled in a disgusted sneer. “What kind of man would bed his own
“And you know I cannot marry you, Samantha.”
“Oh for heaven’s sake. Let’s not quibble over semantics. I know you can’t marry me
and you wouldn’t sleep with your sister. I just want to know if you would if you could,
that’s all.”
“Sleep with my sister?” He looked horrified.
Her frustrated tsk practically echoed off the walls. “No! Marry me!”
Daisy Dexter Dobbs
“Of course.” He gave another nonchalant shrug. “Did I not tell you I loved you?”
“What do you mean, of course?!” she screeched. “How can you just stand there
looking all cool, calm and collected and saying of course like that after you just told me
you’re in love with me? Don’t you even want to know if I love you back?”
He chuckled—actually chuckled at this single most important moment of her entire
“But of course you love me, little one.” Lugal wrapped his arms around her,
smoothing his hand through her hair. “Only a fool would not realize it.” He trailed
kisses from her temple to her throat and back up to her mouth, where he claimed her
lips in a possessive kiss. “And I am no fool,” he said when their lips parted.
“I have never encountered a woman like you, in all my thousands of years of
existence. Did I not already tell you that? Have I not already said that you are kind and
beautiful and sweet and giving? Is it not clear when I gaze into your eyes while we
make love together that I cherish you with the whole of my heart?”
Samantha started to cry.
Lugal responded with a frustrated sigh. “Now I am confused. Why do you cry each
time I try to say something to make you smile?”
“Because you’re wonderful and I love you and I can’t believe how lucky I am,” she
sobbed, yanking him so close that their bodies were nearly fused. “Tell me again, Lugal.
Tell me you love me.” She clutched onto him, reassuring herself that he was real, that
he wasn’t a muscle-bound, hunky figment of her overactive imagination.
“I love you,” he whispered against her ear and she sucked in a breath. “You are my
moon, my stars, my sun. You are my everything, sweet Samantha. Ze ki angu.”
“What does that mean,” she asked in a small voice.
“It means you are my beloved. In Sumerian, it is comparable to the words, I love you.”
“Oh…that’s nice. Very nice.”
“If it were in my power, I would ask you to be my wife, to share my life, to bear my
babes—our little goats. I love you, Samantha. I love you today, tomorrow and always.”
He rocked her back and forth gently as he spoke.
“Just one little question,” she said, trying not to expire on the spot from an extreme
overdose of happiness until she was sure, really sure.
‘Hmm? What is it, little one?”
“How can you be sure it’s really love when we’ve known each other for just three
days? Maybe it’s just a potent case of lust.” [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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