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Charles nodded, looking Alex over with a knowing eye.  You do too. It seems that this
thing was destined to change us, huh.
Alex let go of me to give Charles a big hug.  We re here for  ya bud. Anytime you need
help through this let us know. 
 I know, that s the thing with us, we re family, and family is always there for each
other. There was a quaver in his voice.  I guess Tal s family now too.
 Ya, Alex smiled,  it s like he was made for us. Or us for him.
I placed a hand on Alex s shoulder.  Guys, we need to get down there and help Geri
finish setting this up. This is going to be a long, complicated spell and we only have a little over
an hour to get it cast.
Alex wrapped one arm around each of our waists, and led us to the edge of the ravine. It
would have been easy to levitate us down into the ravine, but power needed to be conserved for
the impending spell, so we skidded down the side of the gorge on the well-travelled path Geri
and the others had worn.
I walked over and introduced myself to the wererats.
Cerebella stepped forward as I approached.  So you must be Tal of the Coalition. She
extended her hand toward me.
I took the hand and kissed the back of it. The smell of her rat that filled my senses
reminded me of the plague years.  Cerebella, thank you for coming to our aid tonight.
The large wererat blushed gracefully.  Anything to get that Marcella bitch out of our
territory. She s giving women a bad name.
 Bad name, Magenta giggled.
Cerebella glared at her partner s outburst.
 I understand that Geri has explained your role in tonight s spell, I continued, skillfully
ignoring Magenta. From what I d seen through Alex s eyes, she wasn t overly mentally stable
and wasn t far from having her rat self take over entirely. Cerebella s influence was probably the
only thing keeping her from turning completely. I was impressed that Cerebella was as human as
she was. She was the oldest wererat I d ever met, but her human side was as strong as her rat
 Of course she has, the alpha rat replied.  It seems fairly straightforward. My one
question that she hasn t been able to answer yet is will this spell affect the ones that have already
shifted the first time?
 According to my interpretation of the spell, the subject has to have never embraced the
wereside of their existence for this to work, I explained.  If they ve ever shifted, then the spell
won t affect them, but other than that, it ll affect any other wers of your blood.
 It also won t affect those born wer, Cindy added.  That is the only reason I agreed to
this. I have several children at home that haven t changed yet, and you assured me that they ain t
gonna be affected. Like a lot of what she said, she made it sound like a challenge.
 The spell also doesn t affect natural-born wers. It relies on calling on the human side of
the affected to fight off the wereside. It s sort of like giving the person magical antibodies to
fight the magical infection. It kills the unborn wer before it has a chance to mature. You ll see in
a few minutes. I turned back to the circle.  Now if you ll excuse me, I think I ll lend a hand
getting this set up so that we can get this thing cast in time.
Geri had the altar set as I walked over to her. The bowls and knives were laid out with
care in the order that they d be needed. The candles and incense sat ready to light. I glanced
around the circle, and in each quadrant, a stone pillar stood with appropriate bowls and candles.
The circle of stones and salt lay around all of it, just now complete.
 It looks good, I told her, as she looked up to acknowledge my presence.
 Thanks. She replied stiffly.  We re ready, I think.
 Good. Can we talk for a moment while everyone gets ready?
 Is now a good time? she sounded hesitant.
 Not really, but in case anything goes wrong with this, I think we need to clear the air
between us. It ll also help the magic flow more smoothly. We ll need to rely on one another in a
few minutes and I don t need you hesitating because you re mad at me.
 Fine, she snapped, and then turned to walk down the ravine.  Guys, take a couple of
minutes and get ready. When we get back we ll cast this spell.
We walked in silence until we were beyond the glow of the fire pit. I knew that her eyes
were as sharp in the darkness as mine. The fire pit was there for the others. But glancing back, it
provided a lovely effect. The glow of the fire played nicely off the red of Alex s hair.
Geri paused near a dense stand of chollo cactus.  Tal, this all moved much faster than I
thought it would. If she wanted to start off on the attack that was fine. She was under a lot more
stress than I.
 And you think I m happy about how fast this thing went? I ve been without a partner for
generations and never had a life mate, or soul mate, or whatever term you prefer. I was happy in
my solitary life, or I thought I was.
I glanced back toward the circle where Alex sat down in front of the fire pit. I felt his
mind relaxing, preparing for the coming spell casting.  Now I m afraid to lose him.
 So you bound him to you. What does that mean anyway? I ve lost two of my students,
she snarled.
 We ll get into that when there aren t so many ears, I replied.  I had to think of
something to save his life. If we hadn t begun the bonding process that allows him to share some [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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