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this afternoon. I m so glad that Jimmy is going to be all right. I
don t know how I would have broken the news to them if he
wasn t.
 Well, he is, thank goodness. Liz sipped some of her coffee.
From the corner of her eye, she caught Sue giving her a reproachful
stare. Smirking at her partner, she started clearing the kitchen
table.  Listen, Carly, I m going to go in to work late, so I can drop
you off at the hospital.
 Liz! I told you that taking a cab wasn t a problem. Carly
wagged her finger at the woman.  Nic told me you were stubborn.
Liz rolled her eyes.  Oh, she s one to talk. I think if we had a
stubborn contest, I d come in third, she stated, smiling at her part-
ner, who stuck her tongue out in response.  Do you do that in
court? Liz asked.
Sue smiled.  Only when the jury can t see me.
Vendetta 109
NIC DROVE THE Nissan Xterra from the northwestern end of
the city, where the 21st precinct was located, to downtown Lar-
son. European influences still abounded in the architecture of the
buildings, especially those in the downtown area, where narrow
streets, reminiscent of cities like Boston, were a characteristic. The
sizable waterfront area in the southern end of the city contained
two marinas and numerous warehouses that were owned by sev-
eral companies in the area. Nic spent the next two hours searching
portions of the downtown area with no luck. She decided she
might have better luck checking with some of her snitches later in
the day. Finding them now would be futile, since they all seemed
to shun the daylight. She often wondered if they weren t vam-
pires, their aversion to daylight was so strong. Checking her
watch, she decided she d had enough for now and drove to the
Arriving in ICU, she entered Jimmy s room. He was awake and
looking remarkably better than he had the last time she had seen
him. His leg was in a cast and his arm in a sling, but he beamed at
her when she entered.
 Well, you re certainly looking much better this morning, Nic
remarked, a broad grin crossing her face.
 I feel a lot better, thanks. His eyes drifted behind his partner
and a look of disappointment fell across his face.  Where s Carly?
Nic almost blurted out the answer then realized Jimmy didn t
know that Carly wasn t staying with her.  She ll be here any
Jimmy gave his partner a knowing glance.  Spill it. She s not
staying at my place is she?
 No, of course not, Nic answered.
 Then what s going on?
Nic sat down in the chair that was next to the bed. She played
with her ring as she contemplated what she should tell him.  She s
staying with some friends of mine. You remember Sue and Liz,
don t you?
Jimmy thought for a second.  Yeah. But I thought Carly was
staying with you, he said with a concerned tone.
Nic looked down at her ring, which she continued to fiddle
with.  Jimmy, there s something I didn t tell you yesterday. She
looked into his soft brown eyes.  Someone tried to kill me at the
house Saturday night.
His eyes bulged, then his face reddened with anger.  Who?
 Two guys. Sal Linetti and Leo Tolstrom. They re from Jersey.
He knitted his brows, trying to place the names but with no
success.  Who the fuck are they? You caught them, right? Jimmy
winced as tried to sit up more.
110 D. L. Pawlowski
 I never saw them before, or at least I don t remember them.
Sal was a big guy, shorter than me, but really heavy. He and I had a
little disagreement. He wanted me dead, and I wanted to continue
living. Unfortunately, that resulted in his untimely demise. The
other guy got away.
Jimmy smirked at his partner, who simply shrugged her shoul-
ders.  Got any idea why? he asked.
 My guess is they re the same pair who tried to take you out,
too. But I don t have a clue who could have hired them or why.
 So that s why Carly s not staying with you?
 Of course. I couldn t put her in any more danger. I m just
thankful she didn t get hurt the other night, though that piece of
shit that got away did slam her into the wall as he made his
Jimmy ran his free hand through his sandy hair.  Well, thanks [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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