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them were sewn together at the tips. These were placed at the shoulders, sections then draped just so to
cover what should be covered, the lot then belted about the waist to hold it all in place. The skirt was
separate but put together just about the same way, a bunch of scarves sewn to a waistband and just left
to fall as they would about the legs, the tips floating halfway down her calves.
Other than walking fast or encountering a brisk wind, the outfits probably remained quite decent. They
were soft, feminine,
cool, sleeveless, V-necked, shapely with the belt, and actually very pretty in the way they draped.
Sandals that tied on her feet were provided as well, kind of weird-looking, but serviceable.
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The only thing that looked out of place now was the link attached to her belt. She almost considered
leaving it behind, but didn't quite dare yet, even though Martha was being conspicuously silent.
The girl, Talana, who brought the white chauri, said more were being made for her and would be
delivered on the new rising. Her much smaller height and dark hair and eyes marked her clearly as a
Darash, if her simple sleeveless tunic and long skirt didn't. Brittany wasn't used to servants, but Talana
didn't seem at all servile. She was perky, full of smiles, and seemed to have a sweet nature. Other than
calling her "mistress," she was merely being helpful.
Talana was also tasked with leading her to dinner. They were passing through that little outdoor garden
when Brittany stopped abruptly, it finally dawning on her that she'd had no trouble understanding Talana,
nor Tedra and Challen earlier, nor anyone else she'd heard speak since their arrival that morning.
She couldn't believe something that simple would have been overlooked, and her tone reflected her
incredulity when she said, "You people finally blew it, didn't you?"
"How are you going to explain the fact that the people here can understand me, if they are supposed to
be a different race and language than mine?"
Talana was staring at her blankly, too confused to answer, but Martha proved she'd been eavesdropping
all along when she said, ,,Took you long enough to notice, girl. But you got it a little backward. They
aren't speaking your language; you're speaking theirs. "
"It really only takes one night of sleeping on a Sublim tape of a new language to have the basics of that
language planted in the subconscious. Your world has started using a similar process, just not one as
advanced as we have. And instead of just one session for you, I overdosed you a full week before
arrival, to make the transition as painless as possible for you. Which is why it's taken you so long to
notice that you have two completely different languages in your head now."
"Martha, why do you bother?" Brittany said with a sigh. "You know I'm not gonna buy this."
Martha's laughter had the distinct sound of triumph in it this time. "For once, kiddo, I don't have to
convince you. You'll do that yourself with just a little thought. Take the word chemar. You know what it
means, don'tcha?"
"Of course, it's-"
Brittany didn't finish. Martha had switched back to her own language with that last question, and she had
answered in kind, naturally, without thought-just as she had been speaking the new language from the
moment she first heard it spoken to her. Because she knew it so well, it had been automatic to respond
with what she was hearing.
"It's too bad we gave you a simple communicator to keep in touch with me, rather than a combo unit
with viewers," Martha remarked. "I'd get a kick out of seeing just how white your face is about now."
Hot color suffused immediately. "Bright pink, if you must know."
Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html
"Finally amazed you, did we? With something you can't shrug off as being faked?"
Brittany ground her teeth. "Bull. Subliminal tapes are reputed to be a great learning tool, and you had
three months to run one without my knowing about it while I slept. One day, my ass."
"If computers had patience to lose, I'd be losing mine about now. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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