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it! Besides, Baldonius may be privy wizard to Baron Emmerhard, but 'tis not to be denied that he
is of no gentle blood."
"Well," said Eudoric, "so who was gentle when the Divine Pair created the world?"
"Our forebears were, I'm sure, whate'er were the case with those of the learned Doctor
Baldonius. You young people are always full of idealistic notions. Belike thou'lt fall into
heretical delusions, for I hear that the Easterlings have not the true religion. They falsely
believe that God is one, instead of two as we truly understand."
"Let's not wander into the mazes of theology," said Sir Dambert, his chin in his fist. "To
be sure, the paynim Southrons believe that God is three, an even more pernicious notion than that
of the Easterlings."
"An I meet God in my travels, I'll ask him the truth o't," said Eudoric.
"Be not sacrilegious, thou impertinent whelp! Still and all and notwithstanding, Doctor
Baldonius were a man of influence to have in the family, be his origin never so humble. Methinks I
could prevail upon him to utter spells to cause my crops, my neat, and my villeins to thrive,
whilst casting poxes and murrains on my enemies. Like that caitiff Rainmar, eh? What of the bad
seasons we've had? The God and Goddess know we need all the supernatural help we can get to keep
us from penury. Else we may some fine day awaken to find that we've lost the holding to some
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greasy tradesman with a purchased title, with pen for lance and tally sheet for shield."
"Then I have your leave, sire?" cried Eudoric, a broad grin splitting his square, bronzed
young face.
The Lady Aniset still objected, and the argument raged for another hour. Eudoric pointed
out that it was not as if he were an only child, having two younger brothers and a sister. In the
end, Sir Dam. bert and his lady agreed to Eudoric's quest, provided he return in time to help with
the harvest, and take a manservant of their choice.
"Whom have you in mind?" asked Eudoric.
"I fancy Jillo the trainer," said Sir Dambert.
Eudoric groaned. "That old mossback, ever canting and haranguing me on the duties and
dignities of my station?"
"He's but a decade older than ye," said Sir Dambert. "Moreover and furthermore, ye'll need
an older man, with a sense of order and propriety, to keep you on the path of a gentleman. Class
loyalty above all, my boy! Young men are wont to swallow every new idea that flits past, like a
frog snapping at flies. Betimes they find they've engulfed a wasp, to their scathe and dolor."
"He's an awkward wight, Father, and not overbrained."
"Aye, but he's honest and true, no small virtues in our degenerate days. In my sire's time
there was none of this newfangled saying the courteous 'ye' and 'you' even to mere churls and
scullions. 'Twas always 'thou' and 'thee."
"How you do go on, Dambert dear," said the Lady Aniset.
"Aye, I ramble. 'Tis the penalty of age. At least, Eudoric, the faithful Jillo knows
horses and will keep your beasts in prime fettle." Sir Dambert smiled. "Moreover and furthermore,
if I know Jillo Godmarson, he'll be glad to get away from his nagging wife for a spell."
So Eudoric and Jillo set forth to eastward, from, the knight's holding of Arduen, in the
barony of Zurgau, in the county of Treveria, in the kingdom of Locania, in the New Napolitanian
Empire. Eudoric
-of medium height, powerful build, dark, with square-jawed but otherwise undistinguished features-
rode his paifrey and led his mighty destrier Morgrim. The lank, lean Jillo bestrode another
palfrey and led a sumpter mule. Morgrim was piled with Eudoric's panoply of plate, carefully
nested into a compact bundle and lashed down under a canvas cover. The mule bore the rest of their
For a fortnight they wended uneventfully through the duchies and counties of the Empire.
When they reached lands where they could [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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