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the small man with piercing blue eyes sitting beside his bed, looking serious.
Perry? he said, feeling very foggy, but aware enough to worry about why the
social worker from the VA was here. Where s Tyler? Is he okay? Cass asked and tried
to sit up. The scene from the kitchen replayed in his head, the explosion. God, Ty must
have been so confused. He needed to find Ty now.
Perry s grim face lit up, reminding Cass just how gorgeous the man was. Relax,
Cartwright. Tyler will be back here soon. He s meeting with the Doc right now. The
only way he d agree to leave your side, even for a few minutes, was if I promised to sit
here until he returned. You two are really something.
But what happened? Is Tyler okay? Why s he seeing the doctor?
He s seeing Doc, because he has a few minor injuries. Scrapes on his face and
hands. A nasty cut on his triceps, nothing life threatening, but he wouldn t let anyone
treat him until you d been cleared from the emergency room and declared out of
Perry stood and started to pace the small room.
Cass ignored the other man and eyed the IV, debating if he should remove it himself
so he could go look for Tyler. How long until
find Ty. He sat up and started peeling the tape from the back of his hand.
Hang on, Cartwright, he ll be back any minute. I promise he isn t going to stay
away from you one second beyond what it takes to stitch up his arm.
Perry looked uncomfortable for a moment, then seeming to make up his mind about
something, he sighed. I wanted to send him down to Prescott for a few days, to the VA
hospital down there, but Doc overruled me. There isn t technically anything wrong
other than I know his PTSD didn t need that shit at your ranch. Perry held up a hand
forestalling any interruptions.
Not your fault, I know that. But my first thought has to be his mental health. He
was placed in a situation that came as close to a war zone as it could get. He killed to
save your life. I thought he would benefit from a few days away from the reminder.
From me, you mean, Cass said flatly.
Perry gave a rueful smile. Yes, away from you. I wasn t sure you were good for
him when you brought him to the clinic. Look, I m a social worker with a counseling
certificate, not a mind reader. I realized right away that Tyler was in a vulnerable
position alone with you. I saw the possessive way you watched him, and I wasn t sure
he was ready for that type of
The smaller man walked back over to the chair and sat again. He smiled before he
started to speak. Ty made sure everyone in the ER and the Admissions Office knew
you were his partner and he wasn t going anywhere. With everyone else distracted by
the injuries to the Sheriff, there wasn t anyone to kick him out. Dr. Hoffmann was
already on site and told the charge nurse to let Ty stay with you, so she did.
It wasn t personal, Cass. I was just looking out for Tyler, Perry finished with a
Like hell you were, Cass snapped at the social worker. You just wanted a piece of
his ass, he ground out.
Perry threw his head back and laughed. When he could finally breathe enough to
speak, he choked out, Is that what you think? Honey, I ve been married to the same
man for seven years, and I can promise you, there s no itch. No, I just didn t want to see
someone with his record hurt over a casual fling. He was a certified hero, and I thought
he deserved better. But now that I see how you are about him, maybe he s getting just
what he deserves.
Cass stopped fussing with his IV long enough to give Perry his full attention.
What does that mean
Perry tilted head to the side, You didn t know? Tyler Hardin was awarded the
Medal of Honor along with his second Purple Heart. Perry pushed to his feet and
moved toward the door. I m going to let the nurse know you re awake. Will you be
okay for a minute?
Hell, yeah. Tell her to bring the doctor, too. I want out of here. I need to take Tyler
Chapter Fourteen
Will you quit trying to sit up? The doctor only let you come home because I
promised you would stay in bed and get as much rest as if you were in the hospital
still, Ty said. He moved to sit on the edge of the bed.
Now tell me what you want? I thought I d make a simple soup for dinner. And we
have plenty of sandwich makings. The guys did an amazing job in the kitchen, but it s
going to be a few more days before I can do much cooking.
Cass hadn t gotten the immediate discharge he d wanted. It had been four days
since the explosion, and Manny had supervised the cleanup. Ty had nearly been sick
when he d first returned and seen the devastation of his beautiful kitchen. But since that
day, Manny, Juan, and the rest of the crew must have worked every evening after the
ranch duties to haul out the trash. They d purchased a replacement refrigerator and
microwave, and replaced a couple of the cabinet fronts. The range, counter tops, and
floor would be replaced in the morning. Soon all would be right in his world.
Come here, Cass said, pulling Ty down to his side. I need you, need to feel your
skin against mine. Hold me, baby.
Their mouths joined in a passionate battle, lips fused, tongues searching, hearts
racing with the pleasure and relief of being together. Ty undressed quickly and moved
to help Cass remove his boxers and tee shirt. Then he climbed back on the bed to stretch
out next to his lover.
I don t want to hurt you, Tyler whispered.
Nothing was broken, and I m already much better. I don t want to wait anymore,
Cass replied. Get the lube and a condom. You can ride me, baby. Then you can tell the
doctor I stayed on my back for two more days, as ordered.
Sneaky, bastard, Ty smiled, reaching for the requested items. His heart pounded
hard against his ribcage, knowing this was it, the step he d been waiting to take with his
He wrapped his arm around the taut stomach muscles, gently increasing the
pressure, testing to see if he was causing pain.
It doesn t hurt, Ty, honest, Cass said, and pulled the other man s arm, so that Ty
half rolled onto Cass.
Ty took Cass face between his hands and kissed him gently. I almost lost you.
I m right here, baby. Not going anywhere. Then his hands were moving over Ty s
skin, creating a slow burn, and left him feeling as if his pulse was beating everywhere,
just for the touch of this man. His blood thrummed in his ears as Cass kissed him and
stole his breath.
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