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hated to call you, but he wouldn t let anybody else near him.
I know that. It s okay.
Thank you, Miss Gracie, she said, and hung up.
She was afraid of men who drank, but this was only the second time Jason had ever gone overboard
with liquor. That other time he d gotten drunk was after his father died and he hadn t threatened her in
any way when she d interfered. In fact, he d been incredibly easy to handle when she d taken the
liquor away from him. He did anything she told him to and followed her like a lamb. It was one more
reason she d never had to be afraid of him. Having lived with a father who drank to excess and was
violent, it would have devastated her to find Jason like him. But he wasn t.
TIM, ONE OF THE RANCH hands, drove Gracie over to the bar. You want me to come in with
you? he asked.
Come and stand on the porch, Tim, she said. I ll need you to help me get him to the truck. It would
probably be better if you don t come in.
He looked relieved. Boss is dangerous in a temper, he remarked.
She smiled. Yes. But not to me.
She walked into the bar. Jason wasn t staggering, but he did look like a rattlesnake looking for a place
to bite. He was cursing at a closed door in the back of the bar. Most of the patrons had long since gone
home. It was just Jason and whatever poor soul he had trapped in the bathroom.
Tiny came to meet her, limping. Sorry I had to call for help, Miss Gracie, but I m just getting over
surgery again, he apologized. Mr. Pendleton there gets unreasonable when he drinks, and he s
already swung at me once. I don t want to call the law unless I have to. He s a good man.
I ll handle it. Thanks for calling me, Tiny. You know we ll pay for any damages.
Of course I do.
She walked past him. Jason was still cursing.
Jason, she called softly.
The change in him was immediate and amazing. He turned, blinked and then seemed to relax all at
once. Hello, Gracie, he said in a breathless rush. He managed a wan smile. I m a little drunk.
I noticed. She took him by the hand. It s time to go home now.
She led him out of the bar to Tiny s astonished amusement. He didn t even offer any resistance.
Behind her, she heard a door open.
Is he gone? a cowboy asked plaintively.
Jason stopped, whirled. You& !
Home, Jason! Gracie said firmly, jerking on his hand.
He glared at the cowboy, who was frozen in place. Then he dragged in a rough sigh and turned away,
letting Gracie lead him off the porch and to the truck, where Tim was waiting with the passenger door
He made fun of my damned hat, Jason muttered as he climbed up into the seat. I was going to feed
it to him, but he ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Damned coward!
Gracie got in beside him, motioning Tim to get the truck going.
I don t want to go home, Jason said suddenly.
Well, you re going anyway, Gracie replied. She d fastened her seat belt, but she couldn t find his.
He was sitting on it. She sat back and hoped the police wouldn t notice. It was against the law not to
buckle up.
Mrs. Harcourt was all upset, Gracie said. She said you didn t even have any Thanksgiving dinner.
No point, he muttered. You weren t there. It isn t Thanksgiving without you.
Her heart ached at the comment. She felt guilty.
I hate whiskey, he murmured as they approached the ranch.
You re going to hate the hangover you have in the morning, too, she assured him. Right up to the
porch, Tim, then you go back to bed. Thanks, she added.
You re welcome, Miss Gracie.
Between them, they got Jason on his feet and headed into the house. Mrs. Harcourt was waiting there
in her housecoat, her dark eyes full of concern.
Is he all right? she asked worriedly.
He glanced at her. I m just drunk, Mrs. Harcourt, he told her. Not drunk enough, though.
Come on, Gracie said, aiming him down the hall toward his room. Mrs. Harcourt, you go on back
to bed. I ll get him into his room.
Thank you, Miss Gracie. She hesitated. But I ll need to run you back to Barbara s house.
I m not leaving, she said firmly. I can sleep in the guest room. No use upsetting the household
I ll make you a nice breakfast, the older woman said with a smile. Thank you for saving him.
Nothing s going to save him from me, Gracie muttered. She propelled Jason along with her and
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