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things up with Echo beyond repair.
 Oh, love, Echo whispered, bending forward to ghost his lips
across Hex s brow.  You worry so much. Why won t you let anyone
help you? His heart ached inside his chest and unbidden tears welled
in his eyes.  Let me help you.
Hex cleared his throat roughly.  I m fine. His fingers wrapped
around Echo s waist and squeezed for just a moment before he gently
pushed him away.  I ll call Craze. I don t know if he ll come, but I
guess we don t have a choice but to try. Go ahead and start packing.
Make sure you bring your big coat, gloves, and a hat. It s going to be
cold sleeping on the ground.
Rising to his feet, Hex arched his neck one way and then the
other, popping the vertebrae.  My head feels better. Thank you.
Echo sighed at the dismissal, but decided arguing would only
make things worse. With a little tip of his head, he turned and shuffled
out of the room. Maybe one day Hex would let him in, let him heal
his heart instead of his head. That day wasn t going to be this one,
Turning the corner out of the doorway, Echo found Syx waiting
for him, leaning against the wall with a sad smile on his face. Without
a word, he opened his arms, and Echo rushed to him, clinging to
Syx s shirt and burying his face in his mate s chest. Crap, he needed
to get his emotions under control.
Shades of Black 43
 Shh, baby, Syx cooed.  Everything is going to be fine. He
leaned closer and pressed his lips to Echo s ear.  Give him time,
sweetheart. You know he loves you. That s why he s being such a
It sounded like a lame excuse to Echo, but he could kind of
understand. Hex was a big, macho warrior with too much testosterone
for his own good. He didn t like feelings, and he didn t like being
confused. Echo imagined Hex s feelings were making him pretty
damn confused at the moment.
 You re supposed to be helping Vapre, Echo chastised lightly.
There was no real heat behind his words, and he was more thankful
than he could say for Syx s comforting presence.
His mate kissed his temple and hugged him tighter.  I ll go help
him in a minute. The others are almost finished loading up the trucks.
Onyx and Eyce packed your bags, so you might want to check those.
Rolling his forehead over Syx s chest, Echo groaned.  Do I even
want to know?
 Probably not. I think I saw them slip a G-string in there.
 You have got to be kidding me. Echo pushed away from Syx
and growled.  I m going to kill them.
Syx chuckled and grabbed Echo around the wrist.  That s not all
they packed. Relax and have a little faith, baby.
 Yeah, okay. Echo took Syx s hand and tugged him along
toward the stairs.  I m going to make fresh coffee, some sandwiches,
and a list of things that need to be taken care of while we re gone.
Something else occurred to him, and he stopped so suddenly that Syx
almost fell over him.  Will we be back before the new moon?
 I think so, Syx said slowly.  It s not for almost four weeks, and
we can t carry more than two weeks worth of supplies at one time.
 Okay, good. I think I d feel better if we were all home together
before then. Tilting his head to the side, Echo arched an eyebrow and
pursed his lips.  Now, why aren t you helping Vapre again?
44 Gabrielle Evans
Syx skimmed the back of his knuckles along the column of Echo s
throat and their eyes locked.  You needed me more.
Shades of Black 45
Chapter Five
There was a lot of hugging, kissing, and whispered good-byes as
they all climbed into the SUVs and began their journey into the
unknown. Echo had to blink back a few tears as he watched Eyce and
Onyx through the back windshield of his new car. He knew he d see
them again, but he hated being separated even temporarily.
 Everything is going to be fine, Fiero whispered to him as his
hand gripped Echo s thigh and gave it a light squeeze.  Stop worrying
so much.
Echo tried to give him a smile in return, but his heart just wasn t
in it. In fact, his heart seemed to be lodged somewhere in his throat,
cutting off his airway and choking him. Logically, he knew Eyce and
Onyx would be safer at home than he and the other warriors would be
wherever they were going. He still worried about them, though.
Syx s hand landed on his other thigh and rubbed soothingly.
 They can take care of themselves and Craze will be there soon.
Ah, and there was the problem. Some strange man who Echo had
never met but used to do the bump and grind with his mates was
going to be in their home with his lovers& alone. It wasn t that he
didn t trust his men, but the jealousy and distrust of this Craze person
ate away at him.
 How long are we going to be gone? Gods, he wanted to turn
around right then and go back, and they d barely made it onto the
main road. When Hex had finally found the courage to call Craze and
explain the situation, their former lover had been all too eager to catch
the first flight out in his haste to return to them.
The whole situation set Echo s teeth on edge.
46 Gabrielle Evans
What if, despite the problems they d had, Eyce and Onyx found
they wanted Craze back? What if they wanted him more than Echo?
Would the others follow suit? There were so many unanswered
questions. Syx said Craze had  found them. What the hell did that
mean? Then there was the whole fact that they d been with the man
for four hundred fucking years. No matter what any of them said,
Echo found it very hard to believe that you could be with someone for
that length of time and not have some kind of feelings for him.
And after that length of time, how could they just shut off those
feelings like they never existed? No, something wasn t adding up, and
it made Echo anxious. Syx looked afraid. Hex wouldn t talk to anyone
except to bark out orders. Fiero seemed more thoughtful than usual.
Myst just looked depressed, as though someone had kicked his puppy.
Vapre lounged in the third row seat, staring blankly out the window.
Casually placing his hand over Syx s where he rested it on his
thigh, Echo drew little circles over the knuckles with his thumb. He
kept the touch light but constant, hoping to distract his lover as he
absorbed just a little of Syx s telepathic power. After already
syphoning a bit earlier in the day, it wouldn t take much. He could
already hear the others thoughts, but they were muffled and hard to
Closing his eyes, he leaned against Syx, feigning exhaustion as he
opened his mind and let his mates thoughts flow in. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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