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When Rayford moved from his quarters into the cockpit, he noticed Fortunato
look up. He whispered something to Carpathia. Carpathia agreed, and the entire
meeting was moved back one compartment in the middle of the aircraft.  This
will be more comfortable anyway, Carpathia was saying.  There is a nice
conference table in here.
Rayford shut the cockpit door and locked it. He pulled out pre- and postflight
checklists and put them on a clipboard with other blank sheets, just to make
it look good in case someone knocked. He sat in his chair, applied his
headphones, and hit the intercom button.
The Middle Eastern ambassador was speaking.  Dr. Rosenzweig sends his most
heartfelt and loyal greetings to you, Potentate. There is an urgent personal
matter he wants me to share with you.
 Is it confidential? Carpathia said.
 I don't believe so, sir. It concerns Rabbi Tsion Ben-Judah.
 The scholar who has been creating such a furor with his controversial
 One and the same, the Middle Eastern ambassador said.  Apparently his wife
and two stepchildren have been murdered by zealots, and Dr. Ben-Judah himself
is in hiding somewhere.
 He should have expected no better, Nicolae said. Rayford shuddered as he
always did when Carpathia's voice waxed grave.
 I couldn't agree with you more, Potentate, the ambassador said.  I can't
believe those zealots let him slip through their fingers.
 So, what does Rosenzweig want from me?
 He wants you to intercede on Ben-Judah's behalf.
 With whom?
 I suppose with the zealots, the ambassador said, bursting into laughter.
Rayford recognized Carpathia's laughter as well, and soon the others joined
 OK, gentlemen, calm down, Carpathia said.  Perhaps what I should do is
accede to Dr. Rosenzweig's request and speak directly with the head of the
zealot faction. I
would give him my full blessing and support and perhaps even supply some
technology that would help him find his prey and eliminate him with dispatch.
The ambassador responded,  Seriously, Potentate, how shall I respond to Dr.
 Stall him for a while. Be hard to reach. Then tell him that you have not
found the proper moment to raise the issue with me. After an appropriate
lapse, tell him I have been too busy to pursue it. Finally, you can tell him
that I have chosen to remain neutral on the subject.
 Very good, sir.
But Carpathia was not neutral. He had just begun to warm to the subject.
Rayford heard the squeak of a leather seat and imagined Carpathia leaning
forward to speak earnestly to his cadre of international henchmen,  But let me
tell you this, gentlemen. A person such as Dr. Ben-Judah is much more
dangerous to our cause than an old fool like Rosenzweig. Rosenzweig is a
brilliant scientist, but he is not wise in the ways of the world. Ben-Judah is
more than a brilliant scholar. He has the ability to sway people, which would
not be a bad thing if he served our cause. But he wants to fill his
countrymen's minds with this blather about the Messiah having already
returned. How anyone can still insist on taking the Bible literally and
interpreting its prophecies in that light is beyond me, but tens of thousands
of converts and devotees have sprung up in Israel and around the world due to
his preaching at Teddy Kollek Stadium and in other huge venues. People will
believe anything. And when they do, they are dangerous. Ben-judah's time is
short, and I
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
will not stand in the way of his demise. Now, let us get down to business.
Rayford pulled up the top two sheets on his clipboard and began to take notes,
Carpathia outlined immediate plans.
 We must act swiftly, he was saying,  while the people are most vulnerable
and open. They will look to the Global Community for help and aid, and we will
give it to them. However, they will give it to us first. We had an enormous
storehouse of income before the rebuilding of Babylon. We will need much more
to effect our plan of raising the level of Third World countries so that the
entire globe is on equal footing. I tell you, gentlemen, I was so excited and
full of ideas last night that I
could not sit down for our takeoff out of San Francisco. I was nearly thrown
into this room from the forward cabin when we started down the runway. Here is
what I
was thinking about:
 You all have been doing a wonderful job of moving to the one-world currency.
We are close to a cashless society, which can only help the Global Community
administration. Upon your return to your respective areas, I would like you to
announce, simultaneously, the initiation of a ten-cent tax on all electronic
money transfers. When we get to the totally cashless system, you can imagine
that every transaction will be electronic. I estimate that this will generate
more than one and a half trillion dollars annually.
 I am also initiating a one-dollar-per-barrel tax on oil at the well, plus a
per-gallon tax at the pump on gasoline. My economic advisers tell me this
could net us more than half a trillion dollars every year. You knew the time
would come for a tax to the Global Community on each area's Gross National
Product. That time has come. While the insurrectionists from Egypt, Great
Britain, and North America have been devastated militarily, they must also be
disciplined with a 50 percent tax on their GNP. The rest of you will pay 30
 Now do not give me those looks, gentlemen. You understand that everything you
pay in will be returned to you in multiplied benefits. We are building a new
global community. Pain is part of the process. The devastation and death of
this war will blossom into a Utopia unlike any the world has ever seen. And
you will be in the forefront of it. Your countries and regions will benefit,
and you personally most of all.
 Here is what else I have in mind. As you know, our intelligence sources
quickly became convinced that the attack on New York had been planned by
American militia under the clandestine leadership of President Fitzhugh. This
only confirmed my earlier decision to virtually strip him of executive power.
We now know that he was killed in our retaliatory attack on Washington, D.C.,
which we have been able to effectively lay at the feet of the
insurrectionists. Those limited few who remain loyal to him will likely turn
against the rebels and see that they were bumbling fools.
 As you know, the second largest pool of oil, second only to the one in Saudi
Arabia, was discovered above the Prudhoe Bay in Alaska. During the state of
this leadership vacuum in North America, the Global Community will appropriate
the vast oil fields in Alaska, including that huge pool. Years ago it was
capped off to satisfy environmentalists; however, I have ordered teams of
laborers into the region to install a series of sixteen-inch pipelines that
would route that oil through Canada and to waterways where it could be barged
to international trade centers. We already own the rights to oil in Saudi
Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, and the rest of the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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