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"Yes, and you're doing it because I asked you to." Adam's dark eyes drifted slowly down
Lucas' naked flank. "I like that a lot, Lucas. I appreciate obedience. It's important to me." His
gaze lifted to meet Lucas'. "You've done a lot of things you didn't want to since arriving on the
island but you've done them for me. That's hotter than you know."
Lucas swallowed hard. His slippery, shaving cream-slicked dick was beginning to fatten.
"I didn't do them to make you hot. I want this job."
"Part of this job requires turning me on... with your show performance and your attitude."
Lucas could see where this was heading. He looked down at his crotch. He'd shaved most
of the hair around the base of his dick and the stimulation-- and the conversation-- had caused his
dick to fill out. The result was pornographic; there were no two ways about it.
"What do you want?" he asked, staring down at himself. "You want to do this to me? Is
that what you're working towards?" He imagined Adam's hands between his legs, slowly
dragging the razor across his tender skin. He shivered.
"If I wanted to do it," Adam said, "I'd be doing it."
Unfortunately Lucas knew he was right.
"Turn around and face me."
Like a man facing a firing squad, Lucas turned around. Mostly hairless, he felt more
naked than he ever had before. And definitely more gay. There was no way he would have ever
done this around his guy friends back home. No way.
He gripped the handle of the razor tightly as Adam studied the job he'd done.
"You look good, Lucas. Very sexy. Come here."
With feet of stone, Lucas shuffled forward. He tensed as Adam reached out and ran one
finger through the shaving cream streaked above his cock. His thick finger didn't actually touch
Lucas' shaft but it was close enough that Lucas could feel the heat coming off it. That and the
new sensitivity of his groin made Lucas bit his lower lip and struggle not to react.
"Sensitive?" Adam asked, glancing up at his face.
Lucas nodded.
"Good." Adam opened his palm. "Let me have the razor."
"Your balls need to be shaved and it's easiest if someone else does it for you." When
Lucas continued to hesitate, Adam murmured, "It's not as if I haven't touched you before. I'm not
going to jack you off this time. I'm just going to shave you. Greg and Joey are waiting on us."
"I can do it myself, Adam."
The bigger man shook his head, smiling faintly. "You said you'd do everything I say,
The fight drained from Lucas' body. He handed over the razor. "Just-- please be careful.
I'm attached to them."
Adam broke into a dazzling grin. "Don't worry, man. I'm growing attached to them too."
A burst of nervous laughter slipped loose before Lucas could stop it.
Still smiling, Adam reached out and gently took hold of Lucas' ball sac. The touch made
sweat begin to bead on Lucas' brow. It was too easy to imagine the two of them back in the
Jacuzzi where Adam's sure strokes had gotten Lucas off so hard he'd nearly passed out. His body
wanted to move, wanted to thrust forward and encourage Adam to jack him again. Lucas ground
his teeth together and forced himself to stand still.
Below, Adam swiped some extra shaving cream off of Lucas' groin and gently rubbed it
over the pouch. "Hold your dick up and away," he instructed softly. "It's big enough to be an
Lucas snorted. "That's something I don't hear often enough."
"Stick around and you'll hear it plenty."
Adam stretched Lucas' sac, pulling it down until the wrinkles smoothed out. "Don't
Lucas barely breathed as the razor scraped slowly across his ball. The actual touch was
unobtrusive, similar to the pressure of someone lightly scratching him with their fingernails, but
Lucas felt a moan welling in his throat nonetheless. He recited multiplication tables in his head
as he watched Adam rinse the blade under the water and then draw it gently over his right ball
again, catching the fine hairs. Adam worked in silence for a few minutes. After scraping over the
entire orb, Adam ran his fingers around it, testing its smoothness. It felt like a caress, especially
when the tips of his fingers 'accidentally' stroked the tender skin behind Lucas' sack.
The sensation caused warmth to bloom in Lucas' balls. He stared at the polka dotted
shower curtain behind Adam and began obsessively counting dots. His fingers gradually curled
in against his palms as Adam picked up his left ball and began to carefully groom it with the
Scrape and rinse. Scrape and rinse. Stretch the ball to smooth out the wrinkles. Scrape
and rinse.
By then it was no longer necessary for Lucas to hold his cock out of the way. It was rigid
enough to arc away on its own. He pressed down on it in a vain attempt to hide it.
"I love shaving a guy," Adam said quietly, his attention fixed on the razor as he drew it
across Lucas' skin. "A guy lets me hold the most valuable part of his body in my hands and drag
a sharp blade over it. That kind of trust-- that kind of submission-- it never fails to turn me on."
"It's not submission it's obedience," Lucas said. He cleared his throat of the hoarseness
that had crept into it. "It'd be different if I were letting you do this without being forced to."
The razor scraped across his ball and drew away. Adam raised his head. His expression
was thoughtful. "You know what, Lucas, you're right. This isn't submission. Not yet."
Lucas dared to meet his eyes. "It won't ever be."
But Adam gave the barest of smiles and tightened his fingers around Lucas' balls until
Lucas started to squirm. "I'm a positive kind of guy. The glass is always half full." He let go and
Lucas quickly backed away as the other man stood.
"Clean yourself up-- don't forget to do your pits-- and join us outside." Adam checked
him out again. "You look good. Your photos are going to be great."
Lucas didn't bother muttering thanks. Blushing at how obviously aroused he must look,
he quickly turned to the sink and began rinsing himself off. He dried himself off using a towel
he'd brought and then cautiously smoothed lotion over his newly shorn groin.
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