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Will you both shut the fuck up? Kenneth snarled, holding his head in his
You girls need to learn how to hold your liquor, Phillip boomed.
Of course Phillip wouldn't have a hangover. He was the perfect fucking man,
Ryan thought grouchily.
Even Ryan winced at the sound.
Kenneth said something that suspiciously sounded like 'fuck you'.
My mouth taste like ass, Brendon muttered.
Come on we'll head on home and get cleaned up. Ryan said, trying to find his
Behind the bar, Mark called.
Ryan grabbed his keys and headed toward the door, when he was dragged
A slip of paper was tucked into his front pocket. Ryan looked up at Phillip. He
smiled at the man. Phillip looked like he'd been sucking face with a muffler. The smile
left when Phillip lowered his lips to Ryan's.
Nice hickey, he whispered before he leaned down and planted an obscenely
innocent kiss on his cheek.
Ryan smirked at Phillip. Yeah, Fido. I know. You know, I'm not a chew toy.
He paused. And I'm not a girl.
Ryan and Brendon walked out while hearing Phillip's booming laughter.
Ryan opened his apartment door and both of them walked in. The night before,
Brendon had seen his apartment. It was a mess. It actually looked like a military truck
had puked in his front room. Gear from last month s field exercise lay spread about all
over the front room. Uniforms, spare dog tags, extra pairs of boots and God only knew
what else littered the floor.
Dude, you should really see my home. It looks the same.
Ryan snorted. He doubted anyone had a house any more cluttered than his. I
like to think it's my own private fuck you to the Army. But, it's mainly when I get home
I just want to not move. He sighed.
Yeah, will go with the first, Brendon said.
Wanna take a shower first?
Nah, you go ahead. Brendon sat down on the couch, which Ryan had thought
to uncover before he got there.
Fifteen minutes later when Ryan was brushing his teeth and feeling half way
human again, his phone rang. Can you get that, Brendon? he yelled.
He figured Brendon got it because it stopped ringing. He slipped on his shorts
and walked out. Brendon was still on the phone and was using that 'sexy' voice on
whoever was on the other end of the line. Ryan smirked at Brendon.
Hang on, he just got out, he said, handing the phone over.
This is Gracin. Ryan barked into the phone. Okay, so he didn't have the
phone manners his momma tried to teach him.
Mac?! He choked and looked at Murray. Murray was making that sexy voice
at his baby sister? Well shit, it looked like he would have to kill his friend. Whiskey
Tango Foxtrot Brendon? He glared at the blond, who just shrugged. Whiskey Tango
Foxtrot was their radio speak of asking WTF?
Ryan rolled his eyes at his sister s reaction. No, Mac, I don't think you're
stupid. Yes, Mac, I realize that you're nearly twenty-two. No, Mac, I don't think you're
a little girl anymore. Like hell. She was his baby sister and even though he didn't see
her as often as he should, she was still his baby sister. Mac! Don't talk like that. No, I
figured you knew what Whiskey Tango Foxtrot was. Fine. Fine. Yeah...I'm a bastard.
For fuc...Fine, Mac. Yeah. Okay. So are we done playing bitch Ryan out?
He glared at Brendon when the other man began to laugh. No! No...as in
HELL no, he barked. I will not! You have lost your fucking mind, Mackenzie. I will
not let you talk to Brendon.
Dude! Don't be a jerk. Let me talk to your baby sister, Brendon drawled out
Brendon, I love you, man. I do. But, you even think about Mac I'll fuck your
shit up, Ryan griped. Fine. Fine. Yeah. No. Mac...seriously shut up! Alright. Yeah.
Love you too. He hung up the phone and glared at Brendon for the millionth time.
Don't even think of it, Murray. I'll fucking kill you.
She sounds cute...from what I can remember she was cute when I saw her.
Brendon waited until Ryan was just feet away and then ducked. Dude, come on. Give
me a break; I wouldn't mess with your sister.
Ryan wanted to believe Brendon. But he knew the guy. Brendon didn't know
limits when it came to women. Ryan couldn't even find the boy Brendon had once
been. Sophia had done a number on Brendon. After AIT Brendon went back home.
Sophia had taken one look at him and suddenly wanted him back. Two days before he
left again he caught the girl in bed with some other guy. From then on Brendon had
been the love 'em and leave 'em type.
But he settled for a fake punch and a warning growl, for now. They sat down.
So, Kenneth's worse, Brendon said.
That took the steam out of Ryan's self righteousness. Yeah. We have to do
Brendon nodded. Hell, we're all bad off. Patrick still can't handle the Fourth.
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