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said, forcing words into my mouth.
 I will get to that soon enough, Miss Gar-duh-ner, was
his reply.
 And could you drop that weird accent you re putting on
my name? I said. The way he stressed each syllable just
annoyed me. I could not believe that I was concerned with how
this man was saying my name, when there were obviously more
dangerous matters at hand.  And while we re on that topic, how
do you know my name? I asked.
 I will also get to that. He said.
By this time, my eyes had adjusted somewhat, and I
could see the outline of his figure and some of his features,
though it was still very dark.
 So are you going to tell me anything?
 Yes. But you must listen.
The way he talked and something about him just made
me feel like I was safe. I didn t think he was going to harm me.
But I still had no idea what he was doing or where he was going
with all this.
 Sure... I finally said hesitantly.
 First thing you need to know. I am a messenger.
That comment made my stomach churn.
Perhaps that was the reason why he didn t look
menacing. He was working for someone else. A criminal
mastermind perhaps. But still, something just seemed very
 Messenger for who? I asked, glaring at him through the
darkness. I do not think he saw.
 That is what I have come here to tell you. And under
his breath, I heard him mutter,  I knew I should ve let Master
Azriel take this one.
By now, my curious nature began to get the better of me.
I was itching to know more.
 Miss Gar-duh-ner   he started.
 Hey. Watch the accent. I interrupted.
I saw his glare.
 Fine. Miss Gardner," He said slowly and with much
difficulty, "Have you yet to notice that things are different,
strange, perhaps like a dream?
 How do you mean? I asked, way too quickly. As soon as
I said it, I realized that I already knew the answer.
The man squinted through his glasses. I glared back.
There was a momentary pause, and then the man
snapped his fingers, made a fist with his right hand, and opened
it up like a blooming flower to reveal a ball of fire floating two
inches above his palm.
I resisted the temptation to make a sound of
astonishment as I watched the glowing orb light up the room. I
could even see my distorted reflection gazing down into the ball.
 Come. The man made a gesture with his free hand,
beckoning me to follow him as he started to walk towards the
I followed without any reservations. It was as if the ball
of fire was magnetic. It drew me in.
I saw the man walk right through the front door. It didn t
faze me as much as it should have. However, I, on the other
hand, could not walk through the door, as I suspected. I
bumped right into it.
At this point, I thought I had it figured out. The man was
a ghost. He could walk through walls and create glowing orbs of
fire. If he wasn t a ghost, then I would figure him to be a mutant,
like in the movies, where they all have magical powers.
I turned the doorknob after recovering from my little
accident, and the door swung right open. A huge gust of wind
followed, and crept into my house.
When I managed to get the hair out of my eyes, I didn t
see the cobblestone pathway that was supposed to be in front of
my house. I didn t see the restaurant that was supposed to be
across the street. And I didn t see the cars that were usually
parked next to the sidewalk, even at this time of hour.
Instead, I found myself walking on air standing before
nothing but empty space and stars. I was walking among stars.
Now I began to think that this was really all just a dream.
But it seemed so real. At the same time, my body felt
different. It felt lighter, somehow.
I craned my neck to look above me and it was the same
sight as what I saw in front of me. I turned around.
My house wasn t there anymore.
I turned back, and saw the man walking further away. If
this wasn t a dream, and I didn t know what it was if it wasn t a
dream, then it would be best to not get lost in nothingness.
I ran up to catch up with him, all the while staring down
in awe of the nonexistent ground.
I guess that I was so engaged in what I saw that I
eventually bumped headfirst into the man. We both fell.
When we both came to, the man said,  Knew that was
coming. It happens about half the time.
 Half the time what? Have you done this before? I asked,
as I helped the man to his feet.
 Obviously. If I had not, do not you think that I d be just
as awe-struck as you are right now?
I silently agreed, but now wondered what exactly it was
that this man had done so many times and was doing with me
right now.
We kept walking, with him taking the lead and me
trailing close behind, still observing the beauty of wherever I was,
though careful not to bump into the man again.
By now, I think we had been walking for ten minutes.
 So where exactly are we going? I asked, when I finally
got bored of looking around.
 Glad you finally decided to ask, Miss Gardner. Took
quite a long time for you, I must say. He took a halt and turned
around to face me.
 What? I said, my mind again aware of the situation at
 Well, I m not taking you anywhere.
 You see, where we are right now, it s not somewhere. It s [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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