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limited on our normal world. I believe that in truth, we have only a tiny
sliver of understanding of reality, if indeed we have any at all. When a child
stares at a spoon and it curls up, or breaks, we somehow find this more
Chapter Three: Reality, Etc.
amazing than the magic of our daily experience. Perhaps these magical
new events are clues to the real nature of man.
The Mechanisms of Real Magic
Motion in our physical world is usually the result of a potential energy such
as gravitational, chemical, or electrical. The magician also works with
potential energies, within consciousness, in order to create motion or
displacement in mind. The magician works with potentials in consciousness
similar to the physical activity of storing electrical charges in a battery. Just
as a battery has a positive and a negative pole, so does consciousness. Many
call this positive-negative polarity good and evil. There is ample evidence
that it is possible to create a large potential through the manipulation of
consciousness, whether it is done by intentional magical manipulation or by
political rhetoric or religious exhortation.
I would suggest that consciousness is more fundamental than physical
matter. I find it hard to see even the possibility of physical matter creating
consciousness. The magician, then, is working with the more fundamental
of energy fields, to attain a more fundamental objective.
The objective of the magician is to obtain predictive and manipulative
control of consciousness. The white magician clearly defines for himself the
limits of this manipulation of consciousness: his objective is the
development of his own consciousness. The black magician is less careful
about what consciousness he wishes to be able to manipulate, and thus
becomes interested in the evil aspects of control over others
The white magician wants to develop his consciousness, for he knows that it
is the only thing he will be able to carry with him through the physical
death. His attitude towards this physical life is that its one purpose is to
provide him with the catalytic effects of physical experience for use in the
development of his thinking. He sees himself as a micro-consciousness
dwelling within macro-consciousness, and attempts to consciously unite
himself with all that there is, so that the microcosm is one with the
macrocosm. To put it another way, he is attempting to achieve realization of
union with his creator. The key to this attempt is control of consciousness.
The more closely the magician approaches this goal of realized oneness with
the creation, the more able he is to do seemingly magical things. He is
tuning his mind to that of the Creator, and thereby displaying some of the
abilities of creation.
Chapter Three: Reality, Etc.
The black magician has the reciprocal orientation in that he is attempting to
achieve separation in mind rather than unification. He glorifies his own
individuality and gains power by separating himself from all of creation and
then declaring himself its master. Both white and black magical attitudes
and practices are able to build high potentials in the field of consciousness,
quite analogous to the creating of potential difference in electrical fields
with positive and negative charges. Once a sufficient charge of consciousness
has been stored, it may be used to create motion or change in consciousness,
which in turn effects the physical world for what we call good or evil.
Because the essence of man is his consciousness, the true nature of man is
perforce magical. All men have infinite potential to create whatever changes
they may desire. But at present, man on Earth seems lacking in the
knowledge of his true nature and the abilities of his mind. Most men
fluctuate as a matter of daily habit between slightly good and slightly evil,
building up a slight potential in one direction and discharging it, then
swinging back a bit the other way. This puts him down in a potential well
of thought. Since he is not polarizing steadily in either direction, he can do
no magic. Those sufficiently polarized like Jesus the Christ perform this
magic with no difficulty. Everyone does have the innate ability to do such
magic. The beginning of the Gospel according to John in the Holy Bible
contains this statement:
The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world &
to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to
become children of God, who were born not of blood, nor of the will of
the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.7
I am not in any way suggesting that the unity with God, or Creator, or the
Christ, is only valid when approached through the doctrines of any
particular religion, but the concept is clearly stated here.
When Jesus told his Disciples: These things and more shall you do, he
intended that those who heard those words polarize their consciousness
until they regained the natural abilities which we presently call miraculous.
Many of the UFO sources indicate that they feel that man on Earth has
trouble recognizing in many instances the difference between positive and
negative thought, and for that reason is vacillating between the two.
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