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the floor and heard my gun go sliding across the cement. Fuck, that shit was only supposed
to happen in terrible action movies.
 Glad you could make it, Mitch, Skip growled into my ear. I could see that his arms
were in wolf form so I held as still as I could. I did not want him infecting me if I could help
 Where is she, Skip? Jarrod stood close, but I couldn t see him.
 Who? Oh, Reagan? She had to go home. It s past her bedtime. Besides, it would have
been rude to have a girl around when I was expecting company. He licked my cheek.  And
what delicious company he is, too.
It was a trap, and we d both fallen for it.
A shot went off, and suddenly, I could move again. I jumped to my feet, sweeping the
room to see where Skip had gone. I saw Jarrod standing with one of my guns in his hand. He
must have shot at Skip, but I didn t see the werewolf.
 Where did he go? I think I was yelling. The shot had been fired a little too close for
 I don t kn 
Skip landed on Jarrod the way he must have launched himself at me. But Jarrod had
turned, so he faced Skip. The gun went off again and Skip s body jerked, but he kept Jarrod
pinned to the ground.
 Skip, stop! Let him go!
Skip lifted Jarrod s head and slammed it down into the cement. He stood, giving me a
clear view of Jarrod laying in a puddle of blood, his eyes closed. I tried to run to him, but
Skip stood in my way.
Now that I saw him clearly, I was more scared of Skip than I had thought I would be.
He looked as if he had only half-shifted. His face slightly elongated, protruding his fangs out
MITCH Dakota Rebel
but not turned into a full muzzle. His chest, arms and hands were covered in black fur that
reached all the way to razor-sharp claws. His clothes were tattered and covered in blood.
 Where is my sister?
 Probably at home, tucked safely into her bed and dreaming of the day she and I will
run away together. Visions of puppies and such floating through her pretty little head.
Skip walked towards me as he talked, and I backed up in time with him. Not running
exactly, but I didn t want him to get any closer to me. Unfortunately, I was about to run out
of space. I was getting closer and closer to the wall, and he just kept coming.
 Reagan likes puppies. She and Jarrod and I are going to be very happy together. It s a
shame you won t be there to see it. There s just no room in our lives for you, Mitch. Reagan
has outgrown you, and Jarrod doesn t need you. He needs me. He loves me. Always has.
Always will.
I bumped into the wall, out of space to get away. Skip raised a clawed hand, but before
he could cut me, Jarrod grabbed his arm, spinning him around.
 How dare you? Jarrod screamed at him.  You have told me, so many times, that we
are never going to be more than we are now. What the fuck is wrong with you? I know you
set me up. I know you sent the military those pictures, to get them to kill me and take the
heat off of you. To be rid of me forever. And now you re acting like a spoiled child who
doesn t want anything to do with a discarded toy until someone else shows interest in it.
Tears rolled down Jarrod s face, but he didn t seem to notice.  I m not a toy, Skip. I am not
something that you can put away until that special rainy day you want to play with me
again. You have broken my heart more times than I care to count. And I have let you,
because I thought that I loved you.
 You thought you loved me? Skip laughed, a horrible sound that felt like broken glass
under my skin.  You have followed me around for years. Pining for me, begging me to take
you, and then this& thing comes along, and I don t exist anymore. I don t matter. Skip
pointed at me, a clawed finger outstretched and pushed into my chest, breaking the skin
until blood seeped around it.  Who the hell is this guy? Why is he so fucking special? What is
it about him that makes you not love me anymore?
With every question, his claw dug deeper into my chest until I couldn t hold back the
cry of pain anymore. Skip smiled wickedly, twisting the claw to open my flesh more.
MITCH Dakota Rebel
I couldn t believe how bad it hurt. I d been cut up before. I d been stabbed and even
shot once. But I had never felt pain like this. It was as if he were able to put the pain from my
skin right into my skull. My entire body burned with the torture of it. I felt my body sliding
down the wall, felt the world going black around the edges. I didn t know what he was
doing to me, and I didn t seem to be able to move.
 Skip, no! Jarrod hit Skip at the waist, taking him to the floor. I screamed at the feel of
his claw tearing through my skin, but he wasn t in my head anymore. I could breathe again,
which I hadn t realised I wasn t doing until that first breath of sweet air filled my lungs.
I fell to the ground coughing, unable to focus on what Jarrod and Skip were doing. I
heard them struggling, but my vision still swam.
The unmistakable sound of Jarrod s screams forced me to my feet. I was unstable still,
but I knew he was in trouble. I had to try to save him. I pulled free the gun from my ankle
holster but left on the safety since I couldn t see anything clearly.
 Jarrod? Talk to me damn it. Are you all right? I watched for shadows, trying not to
focus too hard on any one object. Instead, I tried to keep everything in perspective, hoping I
would notice a big, dark blur if Skip rushed me again. But it looked as if they were both still
on the floor.
I closed my eyes for a second, trying to slow my breathing. I wasn t going to be any
help to Jarrod if I didn t calm down.
He screamed again, and when I opened my eyes, I wished I could go back to not seeing
anything. Skip was on top of him, his mouth pressed into Jarrod s stomach. I could see blood
and other, thicker things on Skip s face when he turned towards me.
He rose to his feet, stalking towards me. He scraped a hand across his chin, wiping
some of the gore off of himself. I glanced at Jarrod on the floor and knew I shouldn t have.
His stomach was ripped open, looking like shredded meat, and he wasn t moving. The world
started spinning again. I fell to my knees and threw up. I couldn t make my legs work
though I heard Skip coming for me. I knew he would do the same, or worse, to me if I didn t
try to fight, but the fight was gone out of me. My sister was safe, and my lover was dead.
There was nothing left for me.
A shot went off. I looked towards Jarrod, but he was still laying on the floor bleeding
and not moving. Another shot was fired, and I turned to see Skip still staggering towards me.
MITCH Dakota Rebel
A third shot went through his chest, spraying blood through the gaping wound the bullet
had left there. Still, he stumbled towards me. He stood over me when a fourth shot brought
him to his knees. His hand slashed out, claws tearing at my chest just as the final shot
sounded and his head exploded in my face.
We fell to the floor together. I closed my eyes to block the vision of his brain leaking
onto the cement next to me, but I knew that there was nothing that would ever completely
remove that sight from my memory.
 Mitch? I tried to open my eyes at the sound of Reagan s voice, but I was so tired.  Go
check Jarrod, she said, but I didn t think she was talking to me.
 Answer me! A hard slap across the face brought my eyelids up.
I opened my mouth, or I thought I did.
Her hand connected with my cheek again.  Talk to me, soldier!
 Yes sir, I croaked. I wasn t sure if she heard me, but she stopped hitting me, so I
figured she must have. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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