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b. compliment
c. supply
d. round up
Answer questions 442 444 on the basis of the following passage.
(1) Without exception, cars passing through a roadblock set up by the police must be stopped. (2)
It should not appear to an approaching motorist that some cars are being singled out for some
reason while others are not being stopped, this will generate unnecessary fear on the part of the
motorist. (3) The observation vehicle that is present at the roadblock will be able to pursue any
motorists who refuse to stop.
(4) In general, each motorist stopped by police at the roadblock should be questioned briefly. (5)
In all cases, an officer should ask directly if the driver has been drinking. (6) In suspicious cases,
an officer may engage in some further questioning to allow them to evaluate the driver's sobriety.
(7) A driver who appears to have been drinking should be directed to the side of the road, out of
the line of traffic, where other officers may conduct a field sobriety test. (8) On the other hand,
each driver who does not appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs should be stopped
for only a minute or less.
442. Which of the following sentences, if inserted between Parts 7 and 8, would best focus the
main idea of the paragraph?
a. A field sobriety test consists of an evaluation of the subject's gross and fine motor control
responses and a "breathalyzer" test for blood alcohol content.
b. Under the current laws governing search procedures, motorists may not refuse to complete
the field sobriety test.
c. In other words, if officers reasonably suspect a motorist of drinking, they can detain the
suspect for the 10 to 15 minutes it takes to conduct tests.
d. Motorists who do not show any signs of driving under the influence of alcohol should not
be detained by officers.
Page 103
443. Which of the following numbered parts contains a nonstandard sentence?
a. Part 7
b. Part 6
c. Part 3
d. Part 2
444. Which of the following changes needs to be made to Part 6 of the passage?
a. Change "them" to "he or she."
b. Change "them" to "him or her."
c. Change ''them'' to "their."
d. Change "them" to "they"
Page 104
SET 35 (Answers begin on page 150.)
Answer questions 445 447 on the basis of the following passage.
(1) Typically people think of genius, whether it
manifests in Mozart composing symphonies at age five or Einstein's discovery of
relativity, as having quality not just of the divine, but also of the eccentric. (2) People see
genius as a "good" abnormality; moreover, they think of genius as a completely
unpredictable abnormality. (3) Until recently, psychologists regarded the quirks of genius
as too erratic to describe intelligibly; however, Anna Findley's groundbreaking study
uncovers predictable patterns in the biographies of geniuses. (4) Despite the regularity of
these patterns, they could still support the common belief that there is a kind of
supernatural intervention in the lives of unusually talented men and women.
(5)_______________________ _________________________ (6) For example, Findley
shows that all geniuses experience three intensely productive periods in their lives, one of
which always occurs shortly before their deaths; this is true whether the genius lives to
nineteen or ninety.
445. Which of the following sentences, if inserted in the blank numbered Part 5, would best
focus the main idea of the passage?
a. These patterns are normal in the lives of all geniuses.
b. Eerily, the patterns themselves seem to be determined by predestination rather than
mundane habit.
c. No matter how much scientific evidence the general public is presented with, people still
like to think of genius as unexplainable.
d. Since people think of genius as a "good" abnormality, they do not really care what causes
446. Which of the following changes needs to be made to the passage?
a. Part 3: Change "too" to "to"
b. Part 6: Change "geniuses'' to "geniuses."
c. Part 1: Change ''Mozart" to "Mozart's."
d. Part 4: Change "there" to "their."
447. Which of the following numbered parts contains a nonstandard use of a pronoun?
a. Part 4
b. Part 3
c. Part 6
d. Part 2
Answer questions 448 450 on the basis of the following passage.
(1) The English-language premiere of Samuel Beckett's play Waiting for Godot took place in
London in August 1955. (2) Godot is an avant-garde play with only five characters (not including
Mr. Godot, who never arrives) and a minimal setting one rock and one bare tree. (3) The play
has two acts, the second act repeating what little action occurs in the first with few changes: the
tree, for instance, acquires one leaf. (4) Famously, the critic Vivian Mercer has described Godot
as "a play in which nothing happens twice." (5) Opening night critics and playgoers, greeted the
play with bafflement and derision. (6) Beckett's play managed to free the theater from the grasp
of detailed naturalism. (7) The line, "Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes. It's awful,"
was met by a loud rejoinder of "Hear! Hear!" from an audience member. (8) Despite the bad
notices, director Peter Hall believed so passionately in the play that his fervor convinced the
backers to refrain from closing the play at least until the Sunday reviews were published. (9)
Harold Hobson's review in The Sunday Times managed to save the play, for Hobson had the
vision to recognize the play for what it history has proven it to be a revolutionary moment in
Page 105
448. Which of the following editorial changes should be made in order to improve the focus and
flow of the passage?
a. Reverse the order of Parts 6 and 7.
b. Part 3: remove the phrase, "the tree, for instance, acquires one leaf."
c. Remove Part 9.
d. Remove Part 6.
449. Which of the following changes needs to be made to the passage?
a. Part 2: Italicize "Mr. Godot."
b. Part 2: Do not italicize "Godot."
c. Part 4: Italicize ''Godot."
d. Part 9: Do not italicize "The Sunday Times.''
450. From which of the following numbered parts should a comma be removed?
a. Part 3
b. Part 4
c. Part 5
d. Part 9
Answer questions 451 452 on the basis of the following passage.
(1) In many police departments, detectives who want to be promoted further must first spend an
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