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me when it comes to her. Let the neighbors know you ordered cakes from the bane of your
Good for you, Tate announced. But it doesn t explain why they think you are a man-eater in this
Fancy waggled her finger at him. Ahhh, that s another story, courtesy of the mayor s son. He took
me out on a date and tried to get his sweaty paws all over me. He had a dose of my pepper spray,
and when I threatened to call the cops, his parents came to talk it over, so to speak. I agreed not to
press charges, and he, in turn, told every one of his cronies how he had me. His mother, in turn, said
I broke his heart like the city girl I had become. So now every guy in this damn town decided that
they must conquer the unconquerable me.
You don t seem too bothered by it.
And why should I be? I developed a tough skin in New York, and it helps my business. Women
come in to see what I have that causes the guys around them to chase me. Some even buy stuff to
impress their husbands, while guys come in to order my stuff for their bachelor parties or whatever.
While they are here, they ll hit on me and expect they can be the one to get under my dress. I flirt
back, they pay, they leave, everyone is happy.
Tate eyed her critically. That s a callous attitude to have, isn t it?
Fancy felt her anger rise at that question. She sat forward and flared at the man who would be in her
home for the next week. Why is it callous? Should I walk around here trying to get these people not
to think the worst of me? Join the church club and change who I am to fit in? Fuck no! I know who
I am. I know who I ve let into my bed. It isn t any of these closet whores who want to cheat on their
wives or pretend to be pillars of the community while trying to grope my ass. I sell cakes that s
it not my body on the back table. I m Fancy McKee, entrepreneur, the best baker this town has
ever seen, lover for the right person, hell on wheels for the wrong ones. I won t change who I am
for anyone. I outgrew this town when I left it, and now I m back, it sure as hell is going have to
grow to accept me or not!
By the time Fancy finished her little speech, she was on her feet. In her heart, she was tired of
having to explain herself to everyone. She held it together under every snide barb or double-edged
compliment. For some reason, when Tate questioned her, it brought it all to the surface. Why
should she care what he thought? But she did care what he thought, and that alone made her upset.
She didn t want anyone getting close enough to see how much she kept beneath the surface.
I m sorry, Fancy. Tate s soft voice came to her. I know you aren t like what people think.
How do you know, Tate, hmm? How can you know for sure that I m not whoring around like they
Because anyone whoring around would not just tell me off. And, second, from the day you let me
sign that lease on sight, I knew you were an upstanding kinda girl. He smiled to appease her and
gave her a boyish look that caused her heart to flutter just a bit.
Come on, I ll help you to bed. Fancy walked over and helped him out of the sofa. She braced him
under his shoulders so that he could use her for support, and they walked slowly to her second
I laid out some sweats and a T-shirt on the bed for you . . . Fancy s voice trailed off as she moved
from under his arms and turned to face him. His eyes bored into her, and she felt the flash fire of
heat deep in the pit of her stomach.
I m sorry.
Why are you saying I m sorry? Fancy could hear the breathless tone to her voice and vaguely
wondered what it was about him that caused the erratic flutter.
Because I am going to kiss you now, and you might slap the taste out of my mouth after. Tate s
reply was a low and sexy purr.
Fancy opened her mouth to reply, but before she could, Tate took her lips in a kiss. Fancy made a
muffled sound of pleasure before letting her hands slide up to his neck and burying them in the hair
at the nape. His tongue did delicious things in her mouth that made her wet at her core. He nibbled
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