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2? Be sure that you ve got a Site Concept that can make some money. If not,
return to DAY 3 and keep BREAKING OUT and adding more HIGH
PROFITABILITY keywords. Then continue to DAY 4 to find more good programs
that fit.
If your concept is just too narrow and esoteric that DAY 3 and 4 don t work,
return to DAY 2 and investigate the next concept on your short list of Site
Do not, I repeat do not, feel that you must have your entire business worked out
to the nth degree by working on DAYS 3 and 4 forever. I don t need to remind
you that Rome was not built in a day, do I?
With that perspective in mind, please allow me to remind you of a small business
truism. The two biggest mistakes any entrepreneur makes are actually
opposites of each other...
1) FIRE-READY-AIM -- the person who leaps before he looks. If this fits you, I
can only repeat Ben Franklin s quote...
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
In other words... ignore the preparation work at your peril.
2) READY-AIM-READY-AIM-READY-AIM -- the person who researches, then
researches some more, then some more...
For this person, I can only offer this profound wisdom...
Fish or cut bait.
Or, as Nike would say...
Just do it!
In other words... Don t get stuck perfecting DAYS 3 and 4.
So... if you have brainstormed a good Site Concept, picked your HIGHEST-
PROFITABILITY topics, and selected excellent merchant-partners who you are
proud to represent, then you are ready to roar ahead.
Time for me to hop off the old podium and remind you that...
Before proceeding to DAY 5, please complete your DAY 4 Goal-of-the-DAY,
and take note of your Ongoing Goal...
Goal-of-the-DAY... Choose 3 affiliate programs that fit with each of your 3 Site
Concepts/5 HIGH-PROFITABILITY KEYWORDS (per concept) that you
developed in DAYS 2 and 3. You must rate these merchants as excellent, and
you must feel good about representing them. Remember, your
recommendations reflect upon who you are.
Ongoing Goal... Find, research, and select more POSSIBLE PARTNERS.
Rotate the technique used (ie., Search Engines, Affiliate Directories, etc.).
Continue to choose on the basis of fit and excellence.
Let s keep going! Are you ready?
Geez, what a question!
After all that preparation, you re super-ready!&
7. DAY 5 -- Refine Final Concept and Register Domain Name
A rose by any other name
Would smell the same...
But not a domain!
Goal-of-the-DAY... Narrow or broaden your Site Concept until it is, to quote
Goldilocks, just right. Not too narrow... not too broad. Before you register your
domain, consider Site Build It!. It turns this course into child s play&
Ongoing Goal... Now that you have found your perfect, just right Site
Concept, consider the bigger picture. When you finish this, your first site, will
you broaden the concept until you have your own mini-portal? Or will you start a
second, unrelated site?
Earlier in the course, we chose fashion as a Site Concept for our primary
example. We also looked at other concept examples like Botticelli and
These Site Concepts were mere starting points. As you worked your way
through DAYS 2, 3, and 4, you built your MASTER KEYWORD LIST for the
fashion Site Concept. This list is literally your site blueprint -- for each of your
keywords, it...
" shows you SUPPLY and DEMAND data -- best idea is to start writing pages
about words with the best numbers for profitability
" contains SUPPLY SITE INFO... information about sites that rank well
" suggests POSSIBLE PARTNERS, merchants with affiliate programs that you
would be proud to represent
" gives you IDEAS FOR CONTENT -- possible topics for you to write about.
Now, is that a blueprint, or what?
Time to start building!
I once asked you...
How big should you grow your Site Concept? How much should you change
it?... Only you can decide.
Now let s use the info in your MASTER KEYWORD LIST to refine your concept.
Here are the factors to consider before finalizing your Site Concept&
1) Broad or narrow-niche? Perhaps fashion is just too broad, too open-ended.
After all, can a single person ever fill a site about fashion ?
2) If you choose to go narrow, which niche do you select? Don t paint yourself
into a corner -- choose a niche that you can broaden. Remember the future --
you can always broaden your concept if you fill your niche.
3) Your passion and knowledge You ll be much more effective if you stick to
what you know and love.
4) The amount of time you are prepared to spend -- If time is a limiting factor,
stay narrow.
5) Profitability -- Review your SUPPLY and DEMAND data. Choose a niche Site
Concept that would appear to have the greatest profit potential (i.e., that has
loads of HIGH-PROFITABILITY keywords associated with it).
6) SUPPLY SITE INFO and IDEAS FOR CONTENT -- Read what others are
writing about, and any ideas that you have had. Do you want to cover similar
topics (nothing wrong with that, especially if you do it better!), or do you see a
niche or approach that has not yet been done?
7) POSSIBLE PARTNERS -- How many solid affiliate programs are a good fit?
8) Search Engine Winnability. Two points here...
" It s hard to win a Top 10 ranking in search results for broad-concept keywords
like fashion .
" As we ll see later, the Search Engines will be concentrating more and more on
the theme of the overall site. So if you choose to develop a broad concept like
fashion, with several major sub-themes (models, literature, design, etc.), it will be
harder to win the war for the sub-themes than if you dedicated a single site to a
sub-theme. In other words... the nichier, the better.
9) The amount of content and keywords -- If you used all three WINDOWS
(SUPPLY, DEMAND, and BREAKOUT) to their full potential, you should have no
shortage of HIGH-PROFITABILITY keywords. But if your topic is just too narrow
(ex., Norwegian fashion models from the mid-1700 s !), you may need to
broaden the concept somewhat (ex., Scandinavian fashion models ).
So... How broad should my concept be?
The single best recommendation...
As narrow as possible, yet... still with lots of profit potential!
(Yes, I do want to have my cake and eat it, too.)
Seriously, every success story starts small, then builds. And if you re like most
people, you don t have the time to flesh out a huge concept all at once. And it
will actually hurt you at the engines if your concept is too broad.
Better to start narrow, but with enough profit potential (as determined by
considering the above 10 factors) and then grow the concept.
Let s use our earlier examples to illustrate how to finalize a narrow Site Concept.
We ll also develop your domain name at the same time, since the two go hand-
EXAMPLE 1 -- Pricing
Pricing is a nice, tight concept. You can use your SUPPLY and DEMAND
windows to brainstorm many HIGH-PROFITABILITY keywords that are directly
related to pricing. And, as we saw, you can also BREAKOUT into other areas
too... areas that would be of interest to serious business people (ex., fulfillment
or copywriting or product development ).
Here s the problem, though... if you developed many Keyword-Focused Content
Pages about fulfillment within your pricing site, you d dilute that site s Search
Engine effectiveness for pricing issues. So concept-level keywords like
fulfillment really deserve their own sites.
The more you keep your theme pure, the better you will do. And... a site
dedicated to pricing is also much more credible to your readers, too!
We saw before that business people who are interested in fulfillment will also be
interested in pricing. Well, the reverse is true, also. So your pricing pages can
also refer people to a good fulfillment company... not to mention a company with
a good solution for customer support!
Since pricing is wide enough to be profitable and narrow enough to be
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