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 Josef took the name of his mother s husband, Jennifer said,  but he was
always closer to his mother and her people.
 All right, he was really a mama s boy, Garin said.  What of it?
 Josef s family has been trying to track down the painting. They ve heard the
 What legend? Garin asked.
 That Josef hid most of the gold he earned from patrons and the painting
reveals the hiding place.
 Do you know how little those artists were paid? Garin shook his head.  I m
telling you now that whatever amount they ve imagined, it s either not real or
far less than what they believe.
But that only made Garin wonder all the more why Roux was looking for the
painting. He turned his attention to his food.
 There s also conjecture that Tsoklis stole an immense fortune from one of his
Garin snorted, and knew from the angry look on Jennifer s face that he d
offended her.
 I don t believe in those old stories for a minute, she declared.
But Garin could see that she wasn t completely telling the truth.
 Finding the painting became a family project for Josef s cousins on his
mother s side of the family because of their beliefs, not mine. Over the
intervening five hundred years, they ve been looking for the painting, as
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well. You re familiar with Cosimo de Medici?
 Some those few that knew of the painting s existence also knew of Cosimo s
interest in it.
 Looking for a lost fortune isn t something Cosimo de Medici would have
done, Garin challenged. From the corner of his eye, he watched Roux for a
The old man blithely ate and seemed content to listen.
 No, he was interested in the painting s ability to bring about the end of the
Garin paused. Now that would be something to catch Roux s interest. During
their years together, Roux had hunted such objects and talismans of power. At
first, Garin hadn t believed in any of those things. But he had soon realized
that those things like the sword Annja carried and whatever power had kept him
ageless for five hundred years existed.
 Of course, Jennifer said quickly,  I don t believe in any of that.
 Of course, Garin replied. He glanced at Roux, but the old man wouldn t meet
his eyes.  Then what do you believe in?
 That painting has a lot of history. Whatever secret it s been hiding has been
there for hundreds of years. People are willing to kill to get it.
 What people? Garin asked.
 Salome, Roux said.  She s chasing the painting, as well.
The name resonated inside Garin s skull.  Now, there s as pretty a viper as
you d ever want to meet.
 Yes, Roux said.
 I see now why you called me.
The old man shrugged.
 Salome? Jennifer looked confused.  I don t know the name.
 You weren t the only one Roux has used to bird-dog his little artifacts,
Garin said.  Salome was a few years ago. He smiled mirthlessly.  She s a
particularly nasty piece of work. I m surprised she s still alive. He glanced
at Roux and spoke in German.  You must be getting soft if you let her live.
 You re still alive, Roux replied.
 I ve had a long time to learn how to survive. And I never betrayed you the
way that woman did.
 No. Roux sighed.  You didn t.
 Then we kill her this time?
Roux thought about that for a moment.  If circumstances permit.
 We re not committing murder, Jennifer said in flawless German.
Surprised, Garin turned to her.  You speak German?
 I d heard Roux speak in German during the years we were together.
It wasn t any great leap of logic on Garin s part to realize that Roux had
probably been talking to him. They d always kept in touch even when they d
been trying to kill each other.
 After he left, Jennifer went on,  I thought I d learn the language.
Garin switched to Latin. It was the first language Roux had taught him that
wasn t his own.  This woman is going to be trouble. We should get rid of her.
 No, Roux replied.  She s resourceful. And more in tune with this world than
you or I. Annja would be better to have, but this one will serve.
Although neither of them spoke of it, Garin knew that Roux didn t want Annja
there because Roux wasn t certain how to deal with her yet. Their date behind
his back had thrown their relationship into a murky state of affairs. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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