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own until the morning. If you want to back out, do it now, and I ll drive you home. I
swear I won t be mad. You do what s right for you.
 I don t know what I want. If it s not Liam s fault, and the problem is with me, then
I ll have cheated on him for nothing and messed everything up between us.
Next Floor Naughty
 Only if you get caught.
Davian tapped her finger against her chest.  I ll know.
Her friend sighed.  In or out, love. The people at the party will be carefree, having a
good time and no one will be concerned about guilt. You don t go to a BDSM party to
have a heart-to-heart or get counseling. I underestimated how deeply you are in love
with Liam or I wouldn t have given you the invitation. You ve never held on to anyone
for so long.
 I know, and it scares me. He s stuck around through my mood swings, the issues
with my dad and well, life in general. I know we re good together. Damn, why can t I
be like you? Walk in a room, snap my fingers, get a guy to follow me into a room and
let him plow into me.
 I like the way you said that. Am I a star or what? I m doing what works for me,
which may not work for you. Last call, sugar. I don t want to hear another word about
Liam tonight.
Davian chewed the side of her mouth. What did she have to lose? Everything. What
did she have to gain? The answer could expose itself tonight.  Ignore me. Let s go.
Tiffany winked and checked her hair in the rearview mirror.  Now you re talking.
She held on tight as her friend pulled back out onto the road and didn t let up on
the accelerator until they d arrived at an enormous house completely lit up in the front.
Cars were parked along the driveway and across the street. They lucked out finding a
parking space close by.
Davian s mouth gaped open.  Holy shit, that is the Bentley Mansion?
 Yep. Amazing, isn t it?
 I ve never seen anything like it. Wow. The guy who owns it must be a billionaire.
Her friend snapped her gum and giggled.  I think he has more than a billion.
Davian stepped out from the car, her head tilted back as she took in the magnificent
structure. It didn t look anything like what she d imagined. The doorway towered high
Ann Cory
as if a giant lived inside. She d never seen such a big house in her life, only in her
dreams. A repetitive beat echoed into the night, and got louder as they neared the
entrance. Two hunky men wearing leather thongs greeted them.
 Welcome, ladies. Pleasures await beyond the door.
Davian let out a deep breath and followed her friend into the house. Orgasmic
screams echoed along the red-lit foyer. Gargoyles with enlarged penises and breasts
were mounted on the banisters, their eyes wild and hungry. Kama Sutra pictures
depicting women in compromising positions with what looked like the devil, hung on
the walls between wrought iron sconces. The soft flicker of candlelight gave off
suggestive shadows, dancing in a pulsating, rhythmic frenzy.
She couldn t believe the scene before her. The atmosphere was charged with lurid
sex and it reminded her of some twisted adult version of Alice in Wonderland. People
were dressed in eccentric clothing, some in costumes, others completely naked.
 Jesus, Tiff, what a trip this place is.
 Tell me about it. Have you seen the guys here? It s like they ve all had their cocks
surgically enhanced. I m going to be sore when I leave in the morning.
Davian followed along through one room to the next, dizzy from the mazelike way
they were set up. Around the corner they stepped onto a revolving checkerboard floor.
Neon arrows pointed toward a door on the far side with a sign that read Rabbit s Hole.
She tapped her friend on the shoulder.
 What s in there?
 Submissives are asked to dress up in bunny suits and get more than a fuzzy tail up
their ass, if you catch my drift.
 Yeah, tell me about it.
Left, right and center people were freely having sex with one another, uncaring if
they had an audience or not. She watched a woman hogtied with a ball gag in her
Next Floor Naughty
mouth being flogged and another woman next to her was hooked up to a harness, her
nipples being pinched by two men. In another area six women were chained to a wall,
spread eagle, their Masters tickling them with long feathers.
Tiffany grabbed her hand and pulled her along.  Kinky fare, hey?
 Yeah. Not quite what I expected.
 Don t worry, you re considered a first-timer, so you ll be in a different part of the
Davian scrunched up her face.  I don t get what you mean. I ll be isolated from
 Nah, not isolated. They go easier on you when you re new, and make your
sessions more private. Even though you ve practiced BDSM in your home, you re still
fresh bait here. Got it?
She didn t, but hearing more would upset her stomach.  Okay. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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