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day (and I only know a few athletes who actually are), you ve gotta
supplement your intake with something like Greens+. The best time to take
your Greens+ is with your protein shakes (discussed above). Throw some
Greens+ into each Super Shake and you ve got your protein and veggies
4. Muscle Recovery/Workout Drinks
As discussed in Chapter 4, workout nutrition is essential. Taking a liquid
nutrition drink containing a 2:1 ratio of fast digesting carbs to fast digesting
protein (0.8g/kg and 0.4g/kg respectively; plus some added amino acids such
as glutamine, BCAA, and phenylalanine) during and after exercise can
substantially increase protein synthesis, decrease protein breakdown, increase
muscle carbohydrate recovery, and improve the anabolic to catabolic
hormone ratio in the body.
As discussed earlier, the best recovery drink on the market is Biotest Surge. This
product meets the criterion above and has been shown in research studies to
offer recovery benefits.
Other good products on the market include 2 products by Pacific Labs -
Countdown and Endurox; although we think the carbohydrate to protein ratio
of these products is a bit high and Surge is a better choice.
4. Micronized Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine monohydrate increases muscle free creatine and phosphocreatine
concentrations. These naturally occurring energy pools are responsible for
replenishing the muscle s number 1 energy supply ATP. By boosting free
creatine and phosphocreatine with creatine supplements, not only is energy
production and anaerobic power/muscle strength enhanced, muscles
actually begin to swell . This swelling can lead to increases in muscle
protein synthesis, muscle glycogen storage, and muscle size.
While some people may argue this point with us, we think that continual
creatine supplementation is essential for good health as well as athletic
performance. While creatine has been discussed in the athletic context quite
extensively, it has some amazing regenerative effects on all tissues of the
body, including the brain. That s right, even if you re not an athlete, you may
benefit from creatine supplementation. Studies have shown that creatine
supplements can improve the functional capacity of the elderly, reduce the
loss of lean mass associated with age, and improve cognitive test scores.
Now, we know what some of you are thinking what about all those reported
effects and dangers? After all, the media has a field day with creatine. Well,
these negative effects have been overstated. In fact, no scientific studies
have found serious or lasting negative side effects associated with creatine
supplementation. The only negative side effect associated with creatine
supplementation that s been shown in a few studies is mild gastric distress;
gastric distress which subsides after a few days of use.
Cramping no.
Failed drug tests no.
Cancer no.
In fact, the only real side effects associated with creatine supplementation
(besides an occasional stomach ache that goes away quickly) are bigger,
stronger muscles, boosts in athletic performance, and boosts in cognitive
And here s another way to think of it. Historically, we humans have had a
relatively high creatine intake. This is due to the fact that many of our
evolutionary ancestors consumed high meat diets, and meat contains
creatine. From scientific data, it s clear that our bodies have adapted to this
level of intake and like a higher creatine diet. How do we know this?
Well, first of all, most of us have storehouses of creatine in our muscles that are
only about 70% full. Secondly, when we supplement with creatine and top off
our creatine stores, we do better cognitively and athletically.
Since creatine supplementation boosts creatine capacity to 100% and offers
a host of performance and health benefits, we argue that most people
unless they eat a high creatine diet are in a state of sub-clinical deficiency.
To prevent this deficiency, we usually recommend 3-5g of micronized
creatine (1 teaspoon) per day, every day.
Using this amount of creatine should increase power output by about 10%. For
youngins, this means heavier loads in the gym, more explosive lifts, and
increased athletic performance. For older folk, this means more daily
functional capacity. Throw this creatine (AST or MetRx make good micronized
creatine products) in with your Super Shakes (above) and you re now putting
all the basics together.
5. Omega 3 Fish Oil Capsules
As part of the 10 Habits, we recommended adding healthy fats into your daily
plan. Omega 3 Fish Oil Capsules are probably as healthy as they come.
Omega 3 Fish Oil Capsules are rich in a specific group of fatty acids (omega 3
fatty acids) that are commonly missing the North American diet. When
added to the diet, these fats (especially the DHA and EPA components) have
been shown to improve insulin sensitivity in muscle cells while decreasing it in
fat cells. As a result, nutrients are more likely to be shunted toward muscle
instead of adipose tissue. In addition to improved carbohydrate storage, fish
oil may improve the efficiency of protein storage, increase metabolic rate,
and increase lean mass.
Although fish oil has the great body composition benefits listed above, it also
can improve your health profile including reducing cardiovascular disease risk,
cancer risk, and diabetes risk. As a result of this long list of benefits, it should
be clear that fish oil is essential for exercisers and non-exercisers alike.
When choosing a fish oil supplement, be sure the oil comes from one of the
following fish (or a combination of them): salmon, sardine, anchovy, or
menhaden. Why these fish? Well, all the aforementioned fish are rich in DHA
and EPA, the fats most often associated with all the benefits discussed above.
And remember this, cod liver oil doesn t count you re looking for EPA and
DHA rich marine oils.
When looking for fish oil, it s important to know there are many brands that
offer high quality product and these brands can be found in a variety of
stores. Supplement stores, grocery stores, drug stores, and even price clubs
(Sam s and Costco) now carry fish oil. The one thing you should make sure of
is that the fish oil you buy is concentrated to between 30 and 60%. Therefore
when flipping the bottle and looking at the label, you should see 300-600mg
of combined EPA and DHA per 1000mg of oil.
Legal Supplements
In the 2003 Sports Nutrition Position Paper, the IOC stated the following:
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