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risha came in and perched on the arm of the chair.
T  You smell good, said Michaela, looking up from Caro s book
and taking in the newly showered Trisha.
Trisha leaned down and kissed Michaela.  Almost got myself a case of
the heebee jeebees in the shower. Kept thinking about that webcam
photo. My God I ve never seen anything like it in my life.
Michaela nodded.  I ve been thinking about it all day. Looking around
and wondering if they re here watching us and we can t see them, or
what? Gives new meaning to the idea of jumping at shadows, that s for
sure. she glanced down the hallway.  How s Caro?
 She s asleep. How she manages to sleep in there, I ll never know.
Trisha smoothed her fingers through Michaela s hair.  I m not going to
be able to sleep without you tonight.
Michaela closed the book and pulled Trisha down onto her lap. She
felt the warmth of Trisha s body pressed against her and relished it.
After months of empty arms, she finally had them wrapped around
Trisha again. She pressed her face into Trisha s neck and breathed in her
 I feel like I must be dreaming, she said.
 Being with you again. She ran the tip of her tongue along Trisha s
Trisha dipped her head and caught Michaela s lips.  You and me both,
she said.
Michaela slipped her hands under Trisha s robe and stroked the silky
flesh. Trisha hummed deep in her throat and pressed her fingers under
Michaela s collar. Trisha s skin was flushed from her shower and Mi-
chaela pressed her palms to her skin, soaking up the closeness. Trisha
shifted slightly and they kissed, tongues meeting.
 I can t believe I m horny, Trisha whispered.
Michaela smiled under the kiss.  You have no sense of occasion, she
agreed and moved a hand up Trisha s thigh seeking the warmth between
her thighs.  You re wet, she said. She dipped her fingers in the wetness
and explored the delicate contours. Trisha tightened her grip around her
shoulders and Michaela felt her hot breath against her neck. She slid her
fingers inside Trisha and stroked the warm, wet flesh. Trisha s breath
Michaela ran a series of kisses down the side of Trisha s face, her fin-
gers still inside her, keeping the rhythm slow, feeling Trisha build up to
a climax. She moved her hand and wet fingers slipped out and rubbed
instead. Trisha groaned into Michaela s neck, her legs spreading wider.
 I want to taste you, Michaela whispered.
Trisha barely nodded but moved obediently when Michaela slipped
out from under her and laid her back in the armchair, pulling the robe to
the side and running her tongue over a hardening nipple. Trisha arched
toward her. Michaela dipped her fingers back into Trisha s warmth as
she trailed kisses down the length of her beautiful, bare body.
She knelt on the floor in front of Trisha, smoothing her legs gently
apart and placing her mouth upon her. She flicked out her tongue and
lapped at the wetness there, running the tip of her tongue over and
around, Trisha arching back in the seat, panting
Michaela teased, feeling Trisha moving closer towards climax, keeping
her there just on the edge as Trisha s hands grabbed handfuls of cush-
ions in whitened knuckles. Michaela opened her mouth and sucked, and
that was it, Trisha fell over the edge and shuddered to a climax.
Michaela tucked the robe closed and smiled, waiting for Trisha to
open her eyes.
 What are you smiling about? asked Trisha, eyes still closed.
 How do you know I m smiling?
 I can feel you.
Michaela laughed and kissed Trisha. Trisha rolled into Michaela s
arms and opened her eyes.  How did you get so damn good at that? she
Michaela laughed again.  I met you, she said.
It was Trisha s turn to laugh now.  You re so corny. She looked Mi-
chaela in the eye.  You want reciprocated?
Michaela kissed her.  More than anything, but I m going to make cof-
fee instead and read more of that book. She smiled.  You should be able
to get to sleep now.
Trisha rolled her eyes and sat up properly in the chair.  I can t believe
we even did that, when this is going on, she said, waving her hand at
the room.
Michaela kissed her again and stood.  When you re that close to me,
you re all I can think about.
Trisha looked serious a moment.  It goes both ways, you know.
Chapter 30
ichaela ended up making coffee for both of them. Trisha disap-
M peared into the bedroom and returned with pyjamas under the
 It s getting cold at nights now, she said.
 Heading towards summer at home. Michaela sipped on her coffee
and flicked through the pages of the book, looking for the place she was
up to.
Trisha picked up the other books from Caro s room. She looked
through the titles.  Do you think this has something to do with it? she
 Absolutely positive it does, Michaela answered.
Trisha was shaking her head and looking around the room. She spot-
ted the second video camera, set up on a tripod and facing out into the
 Oh fuck, tell me that thing s not on!
Michaela looked up and grinned.  Don t worry babe, it s not on. But
only because I didn t think of it.
Trisha threw a cushion at Michaela then turned serious again.  Are
they in here now, do you think? she asked.
 The shadow people? Michaela looked around the room, gaze linger-
ing in the corners where shadows naturally congregated.  I don t think
so, not at the moment. I don t think they show themselves straight on
like this. She paused.  They lurk, and slink and amass in the dark [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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