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bodies were joined by means of an elastic-like cord, one end of
which was fastened to the medulla oblongata region of my
phantom counterpart, while the other end centred between the
eyes of my physical counterpart. This cord extended across the
space of perhaps six feet which separated us. All this time I
was having difficulty to keep my balance, swaying first to one
side, then to the other."
It may be remembered that Gerhardi was also alarmed by
the unsteadiness of his movements, his body staggering like
that of a drunkard, pulled by his thoughts now one way and
now another. But the experience is not universal.
Muldoon's first thought, on seeing his outstretched body,
was that he had died while asleep; in spite of which he became
anxious to tell his fellow-lodgers of his awful plight, and he
made his way, struggling against the magnetic pull of the cord,
towards the door; but, when he attempted to open it, found
himself passing through it.
"Going from one room to another," he continues, "I tried
fervently to arouse the sleeping occupants of the house but
my hands passed through them as if they were but vapours....
All of my senses seemed normal, save that of touch.... An
automobile passed the house; I could see it and hear it plainly.
After a while the clock struck two, and looking, I saw it
registering the hour."
He continued to move about, anxious about the effect the
discovery of his dead body might produce, until, he tells us: "I
noticed, after about fifteen minutes, a pronounced increase in
the resistance of the cord... . I began to zig-zag again under its
force, and found, presently, that I was being pulled backward
towards my physical body.
"Again I found myself powerless to move. Again I was in
the grip of the powerful unseen directing power... and was
resuming the horizontal position, directly over the bed. It was
the reverse procedure of that which I had experienced when
rising from the bed. Slowly the phantom lowered, vibrating
again as it did so. Then it dropped suddenly, coinciding with
the physical counterpart once more.
"At this moment of coincidence every muscle in the
physical organism jerked, and a penetrating pain as if I had
been split open from head to foot shot through me *... I was
physically alive again, filled with awe, as amazed as fearful,
and I had been conscious throughout the entire occurrence."
Here again Muldoon's pains on re-entry to his body
somewhat resembled those which Gerhardi suffered; but such
pangs are by no means always endured, even after a virgin
flight; and when they are, vary greatly in character. The Double
often finds itself adrift, and re-delivered to its body, without
being aware of either process.
Many projectors, the two we have been considering
among them, are conscious of some power outside themselves
which occasionally constrains them, and which they may be
inclined to refer to a spiritual entity.
In a sense that may be true; but such potency is, I am
persuaded, merely the spiritual component which is, in life,
never a completely incorporated, though integral, part of
ourselves, known to Kahuna wisdom as the aumakua, a super-
conscious entity, which has only a psychic attachment to our
terrestrial consciousness, and is probably the source of
warnings which are often referred to guardian angels and other
disputable sources.
Mr. Arthur J. Wills, of Chicago, whose projections are
dealt with elsewhere, probably made contact with his aumakua
when, describing how flesh-like arms were barring his
progress, he continues: "I could not distinguish who it was, but
tried to push those arms out of my way. My own arms seemed
to merge into and become a part of those which were barring
me, though at right angles." They doubtless were a part of him.
To return to Mr. Muldoon. He has had, he says, hundreds
of projections since that exodus of his boyhood; but, though
they differed in many particulars, the movements of the Etheric
Double when leaving and re-entering the physical body have
always followed the lines of his earliest projection, of which
illustrations were given in his initial volume.
That, indeed, seems to be the experience of most
projectors. Every Double has its own methods, the
consequence, it may be, of its individual attachments; and these
are largely affected by the state of the projector's health;
indeed, many psychic manifestations seem to be incompatible
with a condition of robust well-being.
Nearly all projectors are conscious of the etheric cord
which moors the Double to its abandoned body, the severance
of which would set it adrift in the world of its own dimension,
and Sylvan Muldoon studied it with some care.
He calls it the "astral cable", believes it to be composed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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