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also success from investments and administration of houses and lands, agri-
culture or mining property under careful and economical management. The
success grows better as life advances. When Saturn is afflicted in the
Fourth House it signifies the early death of one of the parents, in harmony
and trouble in the home, loss of property and consequent poverty. This po-
sition whether well or ill aspected makes the person a recluse in the latter
years of life.
SATURN IN THE FIFTH HOUSE when well-aspected by the Sun and Jupiter would
be good for speculation in the things that are ruled by Saturn: houses,
lands and mines. This position and its aspects would also give the person a
chance of appointment to public office, especially in matters connected with
education. If Saturn is afflicted in the Fifth House it indicates trouble,
disappointment and delay in courtship, particularly during the earlier
years, or else the affections are centered upon someone who is much older
than the person whose horoscope is being judged. It decreases the number of
children and indicates probable death of those who are born, also that they
will bring a great deal of trouble to the person.
SATURN IN THE SIXTH HOUSE, well-aspected, gives the person ability to
handle employees and workmen in general in a most efficient manner, for
though such a person is quiet and subdued he is at the same time firm and
serious. He has a way about him which employees respect and which calls for
instant obedience to his commands without causing the resentment called
forth by a blustering, bellowing Mars.
When Saturn is afflicted in the Sixth House it means a great deal of
sickness in the life and if in a weak sign like Virgo the person is in dan-
ger of becoming a chronic invalid, for one he is in the grip of sickness the
recuperative powers are so poor it is almost impossible for him to recover.
The nature of the principal illness will depend upon the sign that is on the
cusp of the Sixth House or of the Twelfth, but usually with such people many
complications set in after this. Also a person with an afflicted Saturn in
the Sixth House finds it almost impossible to secure employment and it is
evident that such a person has indeed a hard life, being unable to earn a
living when able to be about.
SATURN IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE when well-aspected denotes a marriage partner
endowed with the saturnine virtues, chastity and discretion, tact and dis-
crimination, prudence and economy, which will be of great help to the person
in building up his fortunes socially as well as financially; and this is a
very fortunate position save for the fact that Saturn in the Seventh House,
whether well-aspected or afflicted, indicates the early death of the part-
ner. An afflicted Saturn in the Seventh House designates a glum, gloomy,
cold and disagreeable companion who is always restraining and obstructing
the person. "Don't" is the word most frequently on the tongue. It also
gives trouble and loss through litigation and people with this aspect should
never go to law or enter into partnerships for they will always be subject
to treachery.
SATURN IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE when well-aspected or placed in either of its
own signs, Capricorn or Libra, gains my marriage or inheritance with the
ability to properly care for whatever wealth is acquired in that manner. It
is also a sign of long life and death from natural causes, but if Saturn is
afflicted in the Eighth House or weak by sign, especially in Aries or Can-
cer, the financial prospects of the person will be decidedly worse after
marriage and chronic debility may be expected.
SATURN IN THE NINTH HOUSE when Saturn gives a deep, serious and thought-
ful mind with ability and inclination for the study of law, science and phi-
losophy, physics or metaphysics. It is a splendid position for a president
of a corporation or college, a judge or a divine. Such people always make
their mark in the world, the scope of being naturally dependent upon the na-
ture of the aspects and the line of endeavor selected by the person.
When Saturn is afflicted in the Ninth House he makes a narrow-minded
bigot, critical and sarcastic; he also gives liability to trouble and loss
through law, danger on voyages and trouble in foreign lands.
SATURN IN THE TENTH HOUSE shows a strong self-reliant and ambitious
spirit with the patience and perseverance which make a person destined to
rise in life. It is the signature of the self-made man, self-made by all
the sterling saturnine ventures, tact, foresight, honesty and systematic ap-
plication to business. Such people are destined to become captains of in-
dustry, presidents of banks or hold other high positions involving great re-
When Saturn is afflicted or weak by the sign he nevertheless gives the
person who has him in the Tenth House, ability to rise, but when he does
rise it is by underhanded trickery and questionable business methods which
in the end bring exposure, downfall and dishonor. It is said that Napoleon
had Saturn in the Tenth House.
SATURN IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE when well-aspected gives friends among the
aged and wealth who will be of benefit to the person in helping him to real-
ize his hopes, wishes and ambitions; but when Saturn is afflicted here he
should beware of seeking friends older than himself, for they will always
endeavor to make use of him for personal ends and desert him when he is no
longer of use to them.
SATURN IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE gives a secluded life in a position or oc-
cupation where the person does not come into contact with the general pub-
lic. When well-aspected it is good for success in an official capacity in
public institutions, asylums, hospitals or prisons. When afflicted there is
danger of being bed-ridden for many years, imprisoned, or employed in ob-
scure positions.
SATURN IN ARIES is weak and therefore unable to express his best
qualities to their full and legitimate extent even if well-aspected. Never-
theless he gives a minor measure of poise, self-reliance, discretion and
tact, industry, patience and perseverance. But when Saturn is afflicted in
Aries the person is quickly angered and apt to hold spite, and also of a
jealous, malicious, and vindictive disposition.
SATURN IN TAURUS when well-aspected makes a person slow of speech but
that he says will have weight and be well worth hearing. It gives a quiet [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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