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Laurie tasted like melon and peanut butter and Jonah thought that might be his new favorite flavor
combination. He felt Laurie s calloused fingertips skim across his nape and trail down the center of
his back. Then, without being sure exactly how it d happened, he was lying on top of Laurie, cradled
between lean thighs, with those same fingers buried in his hair as the kiss went from honey-slow to
blazing hot and out of control.
Jonah whimpered into Laurie s mouth and ground down against him. He d forgotten to pack one
essential item (lube), but, hell, they could improvise, and he had to admit there was something
incredibly romantic about the idea of losing his virginity in a sunlit field of flowers and sweet-
smelling grass. But Laurie seemed to have plans of his own. His hands left Jonah s hair and moved to
the hem of his shirt. He tugged until Jonah was forced to break the kiss so that Laurie could pull it
over his head and toss it aside. Their mouths reconnected, heat and need in every nibble and brush of
lips, as one of Laurie s arms slipped between their bodies and his fingers went to work on Jonah s
Jonah kissed him until Laurie had bared both of their cocks, but the moment Laurie fisted them
together in one hand and started up a leisurely stroke, Jonah ripped his mouth away and buried his
face in the curve where Laurie's neck met his shoulder. "Oh, God." His hips jerked forward and he
shamelessly rubbed himself against the velvety hardness of Laurie's dick, a ragged, gut-punched groan
tearing from his throat. Good. So fucking good. Jonah had never felt anything like it.
When Laurie picked up the pace and added a little twist to the downward stroke, Jonah sank his teeth
into Laurie s shoulder to muffle his cries. Yes. Oh, hell fucking yes. He liked that right there, maybe
better than anything else they d done so far. Except for the kisses. Those kisses made him lose his
mind. Speaking of which&
Jonah lifted his head and crushed Laurie s mouth under his. Laurie made a sound Jonah couldn t even
attempt to describe a moan, a plea, a prayer and suddenly the quick, jerking pulls got a whole lot
smoother as the evidence of Laurie s orgasm eased the way. Jonah lost it then, at the feel of Laurie s
come on his cock and the slickness of that firm grip as it moved steadily over his rigid flesh. He
came, kissing Laurie so hard he d be surprised if their lips weren t bruised later, and it was like he
hadn t come in months. It went on and on, and the kiss kept going, too, until it was either pull apart or
suffocate, and even then Jonah only paused long enough to draw in a few deep breaths before he
kissed Laurie again.
After a few more minutes of deep, lazy kisses, they finally broke apart. They cleaned up with the
napkins Jonah had packed and settled on the blanket again. Jonah curled against Laurie s side, content
to just lay there in silence. He wasn t aware of closing his eyes, but he must have dozed off because
the next thing he knew the play of Laurie s fingertips along the length of his spine brought him slowly
back to wakefulness.
Jonah blinked at Laurie, groggy and half-dazed. Sorry. I didn t mean to fall asleep.
Laurie smiled. No worries. You were only out for a few minutes.
Really? Jonah asked around a yawn. It felt longer. He stretched and sat up. What time is it?
Jonah glanced over at Laurie, who was still reclining on the blanket, loose and relaxed. You want to
see a movie?
Cool. But I think we should play a game first.
Laurie s lips quirked. What kind of game?
Jonah grinned mischievously. Hide-and-seek.
Laurie laughed. What are we, ten?
Oh, no, this isn t your ordinary hide-and-seek. We play best two out of three.
Yeah? Laurie smirked. And what are the stakes?
Winner claims a boon from the loser.
Keep talking.
A sexual favor, Jonah went on, his body stirring at the expression on Laurie s face. The loser has
to comply, no matter what it is.
Laurie s smile took on a decidedly wicked cast. You sure you re brave enough for that?
Jonah returned that smile with an impish grin. I m brave enough for anything you can dish out.
We ll see, Laurie murmured as he sat up. I hide first. Give me to the count of fifty.
Before Jonah could reply Laurie grabbed his shoulders and yanked him close for a quick and dirty
kiss that ended with a playful nip to Jonah s lower lip. For luck, he whispered, and then he took off.
For a moment Jonah was too stunned to move, his mouth stinging, his cock once again on red alert.
The sound of Laurie s laughter in the distance snapped him out of it. He closed his eyes and started
counting from ten, figuring he d wasted at least that long sitting there like an idiot.
When Jonah finished counting, he searched for almost ten minutes before he finally admitted defeat.
He called out to Laurie and was surprised by a rustle from the trees a few feet behind him. He turned
and watched as Laurie dropped to the ground with bits of leaves in his brown hair and a smug smile
on his face.
My point, Laurie said, his hazel eyes sparkling with humor. Wanna try again?
Jonah lifted his chin. Damn straight I do.
Laurie s smile broadened. See if you can actually find me this time.
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