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down the walkway and into the terminal. Cate was
nowhere in sight, and I hoped she had gotten my
telegram. Halfway down the concourse leading to the
street, I finally saw her coming toward me and jogged
the best I could with my bags, dropping everything to
sweep her into my arms.
 I m sorry I m late, Cate said breathlessly.
 Court adjourned late and traffic is terrible.
 It doesn t matter. You look great, I said, unable
to restrain a smile.
Cate picked up my camera case and took my arm.
Piling everything into the back seat of her car, we
headed away from the airport.
 How long will you be home? Cate asked as she
checked for oncoming traffic at the airport exit.
 Through New Year s. Got any holiday plans?
 A few. Cate smiled.
When we reached Cate s apartment, I dropped my
bags on the bedroom floor, took Cate in my arms, and
fell onto the bed. I wanted and needed to catch up on
three months worth of kisses and lovemaking in the
eighteen days we had. We stopped to come up for air
a few minutes later, but I couldn t let her go.
 Jo, we need to talk, Cate said as I nibbled at her
 Sounds serious.
 Not really. It s just something I ve been thinking
about for a long time, and I d already set the gears in
motion before I met you .
 Oh, this really sounds mysterious. I smiled.
 About a year ago, I began the paperwork to
adopt a child. Yesterday, the agency I m using called
and said they have a two-year-old boy available and
are having a difficult time placing him because of
some health problems. They want to know if I would
be interested.
 What kinds of health problems?
 His mother is an alcoholic and didn t spend
much time taking care of him. He s malnourished and
underweight and, she paused.
 And what?
 He has a cleft palate that has never been
repaired. That s why he s malnourished.
 I see, I said.
 Surgery can correct his palate, but it will be a
lengthy process. The state removed him from his
home and will pay for most of the medical expenses.
 What else do you know about his parents?
 I know his mother is Hispanic, but the agency
knows virtually nothing about his father except that
he s Caucasian.
 That s a lot of baggage for a kid to carry around,
 But a good home now while he s still so young
can give him the chance to live a good life.
Cate had hit the ball into my court, and I wasn t
sure how to return it. I loved Cate, but children
hadn t been in my immediate, or even distant, plans.
 I ve never heard you mention wanting to
becoming a mother before.
 I ve been thinking about it for a few years.
Adoption seemed the only logical option, considering
my lifestyle.
 Then I guess the choice is yours, sweetheart. I
 It involves you, too, Jo. Having a child in the
house will change a lot of things.
I wasn t sure what Cate expected me to say. I
stood up and looked down at her.  You know I d do
anything in the world for you, baby, but I ve never
even considered being a parent. I wish you d
mentioned this a little sooner.
 Would it have made a difference? She frowned
slightly, her eyes betraying her disappointment to my
 It might have. My job isn t exactly nine to five,
and you ll be the one stuck at home with a kid. I ve
seen the workload you bring home at night,
 Actually, I ve put out some feelers to enter
private practice, which would allow me more free
time in the evenings and on weekends.
 Sounds like you ve been planning this for quite a
while. I m just not sure where I fit into this plan.
Cate stood next to me and put her arm around me.
 I love you, Jo. I know you weren t expecting this, but
I ve always wanted a family. I was hoping you d be as
excited about it as I am.
I hugged Cate and held her tightly.  I love you,
too, baby, I said, even though I had to rate my
excitement level at less than zero.
I loved Cate but had to admit that I wasn t much
of a parent. Kyle Eric Hammond had faced life s
obstacles since his birth. Now, at twenty-seven, he
was still finding the world a difficult place to live in.
Chapter Eight
I WAS BROUGHT back to reality by Pauli [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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