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website carries a message about a 'major announcement' due shortly, regarding his future plans.
Croppies are angry about the NEC film which features John Lundberg creating a pictogram in New
Zealand, and a new book by Terry Wilson, The Secret History of Crop Circles, detailing many
historical cases is due.
During the season, monitor the press, Internet and television for news of sites to visit. Some research
groups operate a 'hot line', which will give updated reports of formations as they occur. Look on the
map for ancient sites nearby to reported circles and combine the visit. In the United Kingdom, some
well-known sites, such as Avebury, are accessible by public transport. Use your trip to test your own
ideas in the field. Talk to other investigators, get the news and gossip! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • showthemusic.xlx.pl
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