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wife's smiling face with confusion. "What was that for baby, not that I'm complaining or
"They loved the documentary and want me to do others with you guys as the topic!"
Toby gave Gavin one of her bright smiles that always made her heart stop in her chest. "I'm so
proud of you Gavin; I knew you did a great job. But what about you and your anchor job?"
"I still have that, but I'll be taking the time off to do the documentaries, for right now, I'm on
vacation until the showing. Any ideas on what we could do?"
"Yeah baby!" Toby said and rolled over on top of her wife. "Shag a lot!"
Months later, the morning newspaper was being fought over in the large kitchen, even though the
Troopers had all been at the awards banquet the night before, they wanted to see the picture on
the front page. With Toby dressed in her black suit and powder blue silk shirt and Gavin in a
dove grey suit and cream-colored silk blouse, no one could miss the other four in their purple T-
shirts with Storm Troopers across the front in silver, standing squeezed together with the couple.
Butkis grinned and slapped hands with the others. "We look damn good; don't know about the
other two."
Dustin looked at the picture and snorted. "Where's you hand Bevis, I can't see it?" She pointed to
the picture.
"Why do you think Gavin was grinning like that, I grabbed her ass." She snorted and ran from
the kitchen when Toby walked in with Gavin.
"She's a lying sack of shit," Toby growled. "She grabbed my ass!" Butkis and Dustin looked to
each other with worried expressions.
"Then who did we grab?" Dustin asked in a low whisper. Andy chuckled and pointed to the
"One of you grabbed my ass and the other got Bevis, I thought she was gonna have a grin on her
face for eternity."
Gavin dropped down at the kitchen table and cocked an eyebrow at Toby. "You guys got lucky
with only being groped, I was sure everyone saw my bra straps shoot around the front of me,
some nimble fingers popped the clasp before the picture was snapped. I almost dropped the damn
Toby wiggled the fingers of her left hand at her. "Gotta keep them in good working order."
"Hope they're in good shape for our next assignment in California; I need a good steady hand for
the camera."
Everyone looked at Gavin and started singing.
We've been on the run
Driving in the sun
Looking out for #1
California here we come
Right back where we started from
Hustlers grab your guns
Your shadow weighs a ton
Driving down the 101
California here we come
Right back where we started from
Here we come!
On the stereo
Listen as we go
Nothing's gonna stop me now
California here we come
Right back where we started from
Pedal to the floor
Thinkin' of the roar
Gotta get us to the show
California here we come
Right back where we started from California! Here we come!
"Just great, I get to hear that song all three thousand miles to the sunny state!" Gavin covered her
ears and dropped her head onto the table.
Toby kneeled down in front of her and ran her hands up the insides of her thighs. "Look at it this
way baby, there's a lot of places to pull over on our way to California." Gavin got up from her
chair and pulled Toby behind her.
"Why wait for that when we have a nice big bed upstairs."
The Troopers watched as they left the kitchen and a flustered Bevis came running into the
kitchen with Gavin's T-shirt draped over her head. "Sing louder! I don't wanna hear no more
moans, groans and screams from them!" She ran out the back door to the kitchen with her hands
over her ears. Dustin winked at Andy and grinned.
"So the PA system does work in all the rooms."
The end
Chase The Storm
By Larisa
The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive
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