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you get to waltz in here and take up residence whenever you goddamn feel like it. Do you want me to
tell you how fucking wrong you are about that?
His swallow was audible.  No. Uh& Scout 
 Good. And with that last word that was a high-pitched scream, she slammed the office door
so hard a framed picture fell off the wall and shattered.
Scout whirled around.
 Please don t kill me. Doll eyes so wide they seemed to take up her whole face, Angel held
up both hands and retreated as best she could behind a ficus tree by the wall.  I ll do whatever you
want, okay? Just please don t kill me.
Scout s listened to her breath whistle in and out between her teeth. She wasn t sure she could
promise her anything at this point.  I. Am. Upset.
 I m sorry. Angel tried to bury herself deeper behind the tree.  Seriously, Scout. I m so
sorry. You can go back to your vacation now,  kay? Please?
She kept breathing. Breathing was good. Slowly she unclenched her fists.  I m here now, so
let s get this shit squared away.
 No, really, it s 
 Angel. Scout enjoyed the deadly silence that followed, before nodding at a guest chair in
front of her desk.  Sit.
 Right. Sitting s good.
As Scout took her own chair behind the desk, she didn t miss how the other woman watched
her as if she suspected Scout had a chainsaw hidden up her sleeve.  Before we begin, I want to know
what the hell Twist was talking about. Going to peoples houses to do their ink in private? What the
fuck, Angel?
Angel rolled her eyes.  Twist overheard a conversation I was having with a client who s a
concierge doctor someone who does house calls.
 I know what a concierge doctor is. I ve just never heard of a concierge tattooist.
 That s because I don t think there is such a thing. What s more, I don t plan on being a
concierge tattooist, mainly because I don t own any equipment, and it d be a crazy thing for a woman
on her own to do.
A relieved breath drained the rest of the tension out of Scout s shoulders.  Then why does
Twist believe you re going to do it?
 I may have& implied I was going to after he barged his way into that private conversation. It
was totally unprofessional, she went on angrily while Scout rubbed a hand over her face.  My client
and I were simply chatting about the concierge business in general at the reception desk, and how it
could be applied to many other businesses, including tattooing. Then out of nowhere, Twist was all
up in my client s face, and mine, and called me an idiot right there in front of everyone. It was so
 I m sure it was. Like that, her temper began to boil all over again.
 Twist is in my business all the time, Scout, Angel added, and her violent expression was
almost laughable on her cute, small-featured face. She looked ready to punch a Kewpie doll.
 Remember when I texted you that he was out to get me?
 That was the day I found him in my tattoo booth, going over my schedule for that day. He said
he felt the need to  approve it. 
Scout s eyes widened.  What?
 Yeah. He was looking for creepers who d booked me to ink them in  private places.
Oh, my God.
 I don t know what I ve done to make him so nuts. I m not in his business, and he s never in
anyone else s business, not even Rocket s, and she s the only other female tattooist here. He just
targets me, because he obviously has no respect for me, and I ve had it. At this point it s either him or
me, and I love you guys too much to make you choose.
 That s very sweet of you. But if it came down to a choice between Angel or their chronic
problem child, Scout sure as hell knew which way she d vote.  Did you tell Payne any of this?
 No. Angel wrinkled her nose.  He s a guy. As cool as he is, he doesn t know what it s like
to be a woman in this business. You have to be twice as good and twice as dedicated and reliable to
be seen as almost an equal, and then all that is blown to pieces when you re called an idiot in front of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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