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I shrugged and turned to her. I don t know how I weaseled him in the first
place, I said. I truly don t even know how I d go about de-weaseling him. I
suppose I could look through Mama s books, perhaps there s a spell of some
Then again, Mrs. Mackenzie said. Do we really want to change him back? I
mean, being as how it appears that Lord Montford is now a vampire and wishes
to kill you, wouldn t it be best to just leave him?
Frankly, Mrs. Mac, I couldn t give a badger s ass if Sebastian stays
weaseled or not, but you know as well as I do that the first rule of magic is
to harm none. I think turning someone into a weasel would be considered doing
harm, I pointed out.
I don t really think that the harm none rule applies to the undead, do
you? Fiona asked. I mean, they re dead. Aren t they pretty much as& harmed as
they re going to get?
Good point, my dear, her mother said, patting her shoulder. Besides, he
was trying to harm you first and I think Lord Montford would make a fine
weasel. Probably be very happy. And do watch your language, young lady.
I rolled my eyes. My unwanted suitor has gone evil, I ve been attacked in my
own garden, I have two holes in my neck, I m covered in my own blood and
there s a snarling weasel on my doorstep. I think the situation calls for a
little strong language.
If you ladies are quite through, a deep male voice said from the doorway.
We all gasped and turned. Sebastian stood there, back in human form. Well,
not exactly human, not anymore.
I guess that s settled, then, I said. In truth I was a little disappointed.
You think you re so smart, he spat. You have no idea the power I have now,
the things I can do to you now that I ve tasted you.
You ve had quite a taste of my own power, I said, cocking my head to one
side. How did you like it?
Oh you ll pay for that, never fear. I ve wanted you for years, Dulcinea, and
I will have you. We need you and no one can stop us now. Your blood is in me,
flowing through me, and there is no chance of escape for you, not anymore.
You ll be hearing from me soon.
And with that he was gone.
Chapter Four
Page 18
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We chose the dining room because it was the only room large enough to suit
our purposes which didn t have any windows or outside doors. Call me paranoid.
Inside of an hour my dining room probably resembled one of the offices in the
War Department. Mrs. Mackenzie and Fiona brought down every book my mother had
in her private workroom and piled them on the long mahogany table. I sorted
them while Mrs. Mackenzie and Fiona looked through the stacks for any
information about vampires.
I couldn t face Sebastian again with legends as my only weapons. Did a wooden
stake through the heart really kill a vampire? What about crosses and Holy
Water? I had to know for sure because one error in judgment could get us all
killed. I placed another book on Mrs. Mackenzie s pile and continued sorting.
Mrs. Mackenzie was actually not a Mrs. at all. When she was a mere girl she
had allowed herself to be seduced by the blacksmith s handsome eldest son.
Unfortunately he was already married with two small children of his own and
had no more use for her when she came to him to tell him she was with child.
The unfortunate situation was further compounded by the fact that she was the
vicar s daughter. Her parents, horrified and ashamed, had been rather plain
about the fact that she could not stay among their sainted flock and would
have to leave Glen Gregor before it became apparent that she had gotten
herself in trouble. I d always cringed at that phrase,gotten herself in
trouble , as if there were not two parties involved!
The good vicar had written my mother, a distant cousin, to see if she could
secure a place for his daughter in one of the charity homes inLondon .
ApparentlyInverness was not far enough away to suit him. Mama had just learned
that she was to be a mother herself so she sent the coach to Glen Gregor to
collect young Jane Mackenzie. When Jane arrived at Ravenworth Hall Mama
introduced her as her cousin, the poor widowed Mrs. Mackenzie whose young
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