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they got to the point of no return, the more Callie wondered about her future with the Abbott family. Would she still
be welcome once this was over? Now that everything had changed?
Tucker slid the warm jacket from her shoulders and handed it to the girl at the coat check counter. Callie could
hear the pounding modern beat of the music, and heard the hum of more voices than she d been expecting. How big
was this place?
She got her answer when they left the main entrance and headed into the sea of bodies. It was huge. Like a
massive warehouse-cum-dance club. People upstairs leaned over the railing to study the moving bodies on the main
dance floor below. A deejay rocked above the crowd beneath the colored lights. Was his equipment& floating?
Tucker placed his hand on her lower back, guiding her toward the long, bustling bar and her lashes fluttered.
She would never get used to the shock of magic she felt whenever Tyghe or Tucker touched her. The thrill of energy
that aroused her instantly, made her want to attack them. She wondered how Magians got anything done, if this was
what it felt like to touch each other. Or perhaps, it was just her own emotions, her own desires for the two men
making her react so intensely.
 Callie. She turned at the muffled shriek, smiling when she saw the young woman from the salon, Veronica,
waving at her and beaming as though they were old friends.  I ve been waiting for you to show up. Isn t this great?
I ve never seen so many Magians in one place in my life.
Callie smiled at her excitement, secretly agreeing. It was an impressive turnout. The way some of them were
dressed, she knew they weren t from Boston. Doorways must be appearing in parking garages around the world for
this event.
She chuckled and gave the girl a friendly squeeze.  You look wonderful, Ronnie. Have you met Harrison s
oldest brother, Tucker?
Veronica blushed.  Actually, he s how I got away from my mother. She insisted on coming, and she hasn t let
me out of her sight once. Her smile turned mischievous.  Until I mentioned that the Abbott men had arrived and
she all but pushed me out of my chair and across the floor.
Tucker winced politely and lifted her hand to his lips.  How can I pass up the opportunity to save a lovely
young lady from her mother s disapproval? Veronica s face went from pink to beet red in a heartbeat. Tucker
smiled.  She doesn t have to stay you know.
Callie watched the girl s eyes widen.  What do you mean?
 He means that by Magian law, it is permissible during Triune for you to request the absence of your parent s
presence. Makes sense to me. How can you enjoy yourself and find a compatible, um, match, beneath Mama s
hawk-eyed gaze?
Tyghe s charming laugh made Callie smile, as did the look of revelation on Veronica s face.  She ll have to
Tyghe slid his hand along Callie s ass, making her jump. Tucker s fingers twitched on her back, letting her
know he knew what his brother had done. If he felt the same kind of electricity she did whenever the two of them
touched her, she wasn t surprised. It was impossible to miss.
His answer to Veronica was clipped.  Yes. It s the law. You can tell her I said so if you re nervous about her
 Are you kidding? Veronica twirled, clapping her hands in almost childlike delight.  I ve had my eye on this
sexy Australian for hours. He s a grower, just like me. Now I can finally approach him. After I tell Mom not to wait
up. She hugged Callie again.  You re always lucky to run into. Enjoy your evening. I know I will. With a wink
and a giggle, she was gone.
 Our good deed for the night. Now we can be bad. Tyghe s whispered words in her ear warmed her blood.
Tucker pulled Callie close against his side, his narrowed gaze on his brother.  Harrison?
 Safely making the rounds with our old friend Conway. Tyghe glanced at Callie and explained,  Conway is a
powerful Magian, and a true Abbott cousin. She is as safe as if she were with one of us. Safer, since Conway s
magic is shielding. The throng will only be able to come so close to baby sister without being pressed back by Con s
The music came to a halt as the deejay spoke into the microphone.  Our first success of the night. Early hours,
folks, but these three have come back from their private time with a perfect match. Let s show  em some Triune
The crowd roared. Callie watched the blushing female, her energy glowing brightly and entwining with her
two counterparts , the different colors swirling around them like miniature fireworks.  Is that normal?
Tyghe didn t take his eyes from the threesome as they headed out of sight down a cordoned-off hallway.  If
the match is true, yes. It doesn t last long, but while it does there is no denying it. That glow has saved many a
Magian from manipulative families who wish for profitable alliances as opposed to love. This is why Triune, for all
its party-like atmosphere, is so important. We aren t forced into arranged marriages anymore. We learned long ago
that an incompatible match can throw our world out of balance. Without balance, we have chaos. Now they go to
meet the Proxenos, to gain approval for their union. He leaned around Callie and sent his brother a look.  Speaking
of unions, brother...
 Subtle, Tyghe. Tucker kept her close as he began to walk through the crowd, Tyghe following close behind.
Callie studied the people they passed, their dancing, writhing bodies so beautiful beneath the strobe lights.
 Where are we going? Shouldn t we be looking for the killer? Though how she was supposed to study anyone in
this kind of atmosphere was beyond her. Why hadn t Harrison told her this ritual was more like a rave?
Tucker held his finger to his lips, telling her to be silent, even though the music was blasting so loudly she
could hardly hear herself think. The bracelet around her wrist warmed, and she looked down in surprise, feeling the
soothing energy. Had Moira Abbott made this jewelry to calm her tempestuous child s nerves? It may not work on
Harrison, but it was making Callie feel really relaxed. More than relaxed. A little tipsy.
Tucker turned a sharp corner and led her up one flight of stairs, to a wall of doors, most of them with occupied
signs hanging from their knobs. When he found one without a sign, he opened it and pulled her quickly behind him,
shutting the door as soon as Tyghe was standing beside her.
It was a white room. Brilliant white. No paintings, no furniture. She couldn t see where the door that Tucker
just closed had been.  Are we in The Matrix? What the heck is going on?
Tyghe laughed out loud and even the somber Tucker smiled, deepening his lickable dimples.  I suppose it is a
little like that. The room is enchanted. It will take a few minutes for it to read all of us and come up with the perfect
Tyghe licked his lips.  Our fantasies, Callie. The room can read our fantasies. It will find the ones that are most
compatible and create a room made just for the three of us.
 The three of us? She d turned into a parrot.  Is this part of the plan? I think I would have definitely
remembered if it was part of the plan.
Tucker walked slowly, determinedly in her direction.  There s been a new development. After I told my
superiors about our plan, they gave me a bit more information. For example, I know for a fact that the powers that be
made sure that out of all the people at Triune tonight, only two have compelling magic. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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