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last night and afterward she d fallen into a dreamless sleep like a stone sinking deeply
into the ocean. She dimly remembered falling asleep with him on top of her, inside her.
They were both naked now. Somehow, during the night, Douglas had managed to
take all her clothes off without waking her. His clothes, too.
She could feel every glorious, hard, hairy inch of the front of him all along her back.
He was heavily aroused. She could feel his erect penis in the small of her back.
Something some muscle memory told her he d been that way for a long time.
Ouch. Did it hurt men when they were erect and didn t make love?
She stirred slightly and he tightened his arms around her.
Good morning, love, he rumbled in her ear and nuzzled. Allegra broke out in
goose bumps. How could she wake up ready for sex after last night? And yet she was,
there was no mistaking it. Douglas large hand was sliding over her stomach, his palm
resting over her mound, and she knew what he would find once his hand slid lower.
She was wet already. Or still? Maybe she d had the equivalent of an erect penis all night
herself, her body primed for sex with Douglas. Maybe even in the unconciousness of
sleep, all it took was Douglas presence, which she registered at the primal level, at the
level of smell and touch, and her body prepared itself for him.
Even before his callused palm caressed her breast, her nipples were hard, so
sensitive it almost but not quite hurt, when he cupped her breast, circling the nipple
with his finger.
She was ready, totally ready for him.
This had never happened to her before. With her other lovers, she d always been
slow to warm up, so slow a couple of men had complained. She d even been resigned to
thinking of herself as a cool lover. Not frigid she d had her share of orgasms but
definitely cool.
Not now. Not with Douglas. Now she felt as if she were burning up, and all it took
was his presence.
Allegra opened her mouth to wish him good morning too, but all that came out was
a moan. He d lifted her leg up with a hard thigh, opening her up to his touch, and slid a
long finger inside her.
He stiffened. You re wet, he growled into her ear. You re ready.
She couldn t talk, she couldn t breathe. Oh God, how could he know exactly how to
touch her? Where to touch her?
She writhed against his finger, trying to get his hand& there. She stilled, her mind
going into that wild free fall just prior to orgasm.
Turn over. Douglas voice was low, guttural.
What? She was dazed, barely able to take his words in.
Douglas grabbed the two pillows and placed them against her belly. Turn over on
your stomach. Without waiting for her to obey, he shifted her until she was lying with
Midnight Angel
her belly over the pillows, which had the effect of lifting her butt in the air. Grab the
mattress. He placed her hands over the edge of the mattress and curled his big hands
over hers. Hold on tight.
His voice had a completely new tone, one she d never heard before. By contrast
with his guttural tones now, she realized he s always spoken to her tenderly, gently.
Not now. Now his voice was harsh with command, as if there was no question that he
held absolute power over her.
It was pure male command and to be resisted, out of principle, but that voice
overrode entirely her usually healthy ego. That utter male dominance called up
something wild and purely female in her, two animals obeying their deepest instincts.
By contrast, Allegra realized how Douglas moderated his touch with her, his hands
always gentle. His touch, now, was no longer soft and gentle. Now he was using the
strength of his hands to grip her hips, position her for him, a stallion readying his mare.
Every cell in her body woke up and opened to him. She felt as if she were at the
bottom of some deep ocean, far from land. The air was thick and hot, with a weight of
its own.
He mounted her. There was no other word for it as he covered her. His hard, rough
hands pulled her hips up higher, powerful hairy thighs parted her legs and he entered
her with a thrust that jolted her, and started moving immediately in her. He usually
hesitated slightly before entering her, testing to see if she was ready. He was very large
and she d appreciated his thoughtfulness, aware at all times that he treated her with
delicacy and tenderness. He always entered her slowly and usually stopped for a
moment after entering fully, allowing her time to adjust. Always the perfect gentleman.
Not now.
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